
Donald Trump is using all his rhetorical skills to keep everyone’s eyes focused on him and on him alone. He is trying [...]
As the 2020 U.S. elections begin to be the major front-page concern of the media, there is increasing speculation about what will [...]
I get this question all the time. The answer is: of course. He has been running scared all his life. It started [...]
I was just in Mexico for several days. I went to speak at a celebration of the victory of Andrés Manuel López [...]
The short answer to the question is neither. As I write, one week before definitive counts in the U.S. elections, the consensus [...]
It is extremely difficult to find a country or other political structure that has not violated human rights in some way. Sometimes, [...]
The only one who cares if Kavanaugh is appointed is Kavanaugh himself, who has wanted this job all his life. For everyone [...]
There are two things concerning Donald Trump about which everyone, friends and foes, seem to agree. No one can be sure what [...]

Most of us receive daily news by reading some set of headlines available to us. We tend to classify these headlines as [...]

I first met Samir in the early 1960s. I had read his early works, and they resonated with me. I was passing [...]
This is the question that all anti-Trump individuals and groups are asking today, loudly and regularly. They are hoping of course for [...]
On July 1, 2018, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, known by his initials as AMLO, was elected President of Mexico by a sweeping [...]