The Article List
The following is the list of over 328 articles written by Dr. Wallerstein on a variety of social, political, and economic issues. This list will include downloadable PDF files when they become available.
- “La Ghana face au present,” Présence africaine, n.s., XVIII XIX, févr. mai 1958, 184 194. [Trans. Dutch 1957]
- “Evolving Patterns of African Society,” in I. Wallerstein et al., The Political Economy of Contemporary Africa, National Institute of Social and Behavioral Science, Symposia Studies Series No. 1, December 1959, 1 7.
- “The Search for National Identity in West Africa,” Eng. ed., No. 6/7, 1960, 17 29. [Trans. French, 1960 61]
- “Ethnicity and National Integration in West Africa,” Cahiers d’é¬tudes africaines, No. 3, Oct. 1960, 129 39.
- “Pan Africanism as Protest,” in M.A. Kaplan, ed., Revolution in World Politics. New York: Wiley 1962, 137 51.
- “The Political Ideology of the P.D.G.,” Présence africaine, Eng. ed., Vol. 12, 1st Quarter 1962, 30 41. [Trans. French, 1962]
- “L’Unité et la balkanisation de l’A.O.F.,” Etudes congolaises, No. 1, 1962, 36 40.
- “Voluntary Associations,” in J.S. Coleman and C.G. Rosberg, Jr., eds., Political Parties and National Integration in Tropical Africa. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1964, 318 39.
- “Class, Tribe and Party in West African Politics,” Transactions of the Fifth World Congress of Sociology, Vol. III, 1964, pp. 203 16.
- “Elites in French Speaking West Africa: The Social Basis of Ideas,” Journal of Modern African Studies, III, 1, May, 1965, 1 33.
- “Migration: The Political Perspective,” in H. Kuper, ed., Ur¬ban¬ization and Migration in West Africa. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1965.
- “The Decline of the Party in Single Party Africa States,” in J. La Palombara and M. Weiner, eds., Political Parties and Po¬litical Development. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1966, 201 14.
- “The Early Years of the OAU: The Search for Organizational Pre¬eminence,” International Organization, XX, 4, Autumn 1966, 774 87.
- (with Terence K. Hopkins), “The Comparative Study of National So¬cieties,” Social Sciences Information, VI, 5, October 1967, 25 58. [Trans. Spanish 1971]
- “Class, Tribe, and Party in West African Politics,” in S.M. Lipset and S. Rokkan, eds., Party Systems and Voter Alignments. New York: Free Press, 1967, Ch. XI, 497 518.
- “Violence Versus Persuasion as Agents of Social Change,” New World Quarterly, IV, 4, Cropover 1968, 51 54. [Trans. French 1967]
- “Frantz Fanon: Reason and Violence,” Berkeley Journal of Sociology, XV, 1970, 222 231.
- “The Colonial Era in Africa: Changes in the Social Structure,” in L.H. Gann and Peter Duignan, eds., Colonialism in Africa, 1870 1960, Vol. II: The History and Politics of Colonialism, 1914 1960. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970, 399 421. [AMW]
- “The University Crisis: The Transitional and the Chronic,” 2 11 in John M. Whiteley, ed., Students in the University and in Society, Student Personnel Series, No. 13, American College Personnel Association, 1970.
- (with Michael Hechter), “Social Rank and Nationalism: Some African Data,” Public Opinion Quarterly, XXIV, 3, Fall 1970, 360 70.
- “Introduction” to Philip J. Foster and Aristide Zolberg, eds., Ghana and the Ivory Coast: Perspective on Modernization. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971, 3 8.
- “Left and Right in Africa,” Journal of Modern African Studies, IX, 1, Apr. 1971, 1 10.
- (with Terence K. Hopkins), “A Proposal for a Data Bank of African Materials,” Social Science Information, X, 2, Apr. 1971, 135 47.
- “The State and State Transformation: Will and Possibility,” Politics and Society, I, 3, May 1971, 359 64. [Trans. Italian 1971]
- “The Range of Choice: Constraints on the Policies of Governments of Contemporary African Independent States,” in Michael F. Lofchie, ed., The State of Nations. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971, 19 33.
- “Academic Freedom and the Collective Expression of Opinion,” Journal of Higher Education, XLII, 9, Dec. 1971, 713 20.
- “Radical Intellectuals in a Liberal Society,” in I. Wallerstein and P. Starr, eds., University Crisis Reader, II. New York: Random House, 1971, 471 77.
- “L’Organisation des sciences humaines et l’objectivité,” Cahiers internationaux de sociologie, L, 1971, 41 48.
- “The Lessons of the PAIGC,” Africa Today, 18, 3, July 1971, 62 68. [Review of Amilcar Cabral, Revolution in Guinea and Gérard Chaliand, Armed Struggle in Africa] [AMW]
- “There Is No Such Thing as Sociology,” letter to The American Sociologist, VI, 4, No. 1971, 328.
- “Africa Since 1945,” Ch. 98 of John A. Garraty and Peter Gay, eds., The Columbia History of the World (New York: Harper and Row, 1972), 1107 17.
- “Social Conflict in Post Independence Black Africa: The Concepts of Race and Status Group Reconsidered,” in Ernest Q. Camp¬bell, ed., Racial Tensions and National Identity. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1972, 207 26. [Trans. Fr. 1971, corrected 1988; German 1990, Greek 1991, Italian 1991, Turk¬ish 1993] [CWE] [RNC]
- “Three Paths of National Development in the Sixteenth Century,” Studies in Comparative International Development, VII, 2, Summer 1972, 95 101. [Trans. Hungarian, 1979] [CWE]
- “The Two Modes of Ethnic Consciousness: Soviet Central Asia in Transition,” in Edward Allworth, ed., The Nationality Ques¬tion in Soviet Central Asia. New York: Praeger, l973, l68 75. [Trans. Fr. l972] [CWE]
- “Class and Class Conflict in Contemporary Africa,” Canadian Jour¬nal of African Studies, VII, 3, l973, 375 80. [Partial trans. German, l983] [CWE]
- “Africa in a Capitalist World,” Issue: A Quarterly Journal of Africanist Opinion, III, 3, Fall l973, l ll. [Trans. Hungarian, l98l] [AMW]
- “Imperialism and Capitalism: Are the Workers the Most Oppressed Class?” Insurgent Sociologist, III, 2, Winter l973, 25 28. [Trans. Fr. l97l, Sp. 1977]
- “Trends in World Capitalism,” Monthly Review, XXVI, l, May l974, l2 l8. [Trans. Ital. l974, Greek l978]
- “Dependence in an Interdependent World: The Limited Possibili¬ties of Transformation Within the Capitalist World Economy,” African Studies Review, XVII, l, Apr. l974, l 26. [Trans. French l974, Serbo Croat l982, Korean l983] [CWE]
- “The Role of the Organization of African Unity in Contemporary African Politics,” in Yassin El Ayouty & Hugh C. Brooks, eds., Africa and International Organization. The Hague: Nij¬hoff, l974, l8 28.
- “The Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System: Con¬cepts for Comparative Analysis,” Comparative Studies in Society & History, XVI, 4, Sept. l974, 387 4l5. [Trans. Sp. l975, Fr. l976, Hungarian l977, Turkish l978, German l979, l983 (partial), Ital. l979, l984; Greek 1999]
- “Africa, the United States, and the World Economy: Historical Bases of U.S. Policy,” in Frederick S. Arkhurst, ed., U.S. Policy Toward Africa. New York: Praeger, l975, ll 37. [Trans. Port. l974] [AMW]
- “Class Formation in the Capitalist World Economy,” Politics and Society, V, 3, l975, 367 75. [Partial translation, German, l983]
- “Disengagement as a Tactic in the Liberation of Southern Africa,” Study Project Strategy Paper No. l6, in Foreign Investment in South Africa The Policy Debate, Study Project on Exter¬nal Investment in South Africa and Namibia (South West Af¬rica), l975, 26 42.
- “The Present State of the Debate on World Inequality,” in I. Wal¬lerstein, ed., World Inequality. Montreal: Black Rose Books, l975, 9 28. [French l975; Chinese l985; partial translation, German l983]
- “Failed Transitions, or Inevitable Decline of the Leader? The Workings of the Capitalist World Economy,” in Frederick Krantz & Paul M. Hohenberg, eds., Failed Transitions to Mod¬ern Industrial Society: Renaissance Italy and Seventeenth Century Holland. Montreal: Interuniversity Centre for Euro¬pean Studies, l975, 75 80. [French edition also]
- “Alternative Development Strategies,” in S.D. Clark, ed., Prob¬lems of Development in Atlantic Canada. Proceedings of Sym¬posium held on l5 l7 April l975. Ottowa: The Royal Society of Canada, 83 89. [Trans. Tamil l976, Sinhalese l976]
- Old Problems and New Syntheses: The Relation of Revolutionary Ideas and Practices. Sorokin Lecture Publication No. 4. Saskatoon: Univ. of Saskatchewan, l975. [CWE]
- “Inequalities in the World System,” Summation, V, l/2, Summer/Fall l975, l 7.
- “The Quality of Life in Different Social Systems: The Model and the Reality,” in C.K. Blong, ed., Systems Thinking and the Quality of Life (Proceedings of the l975 Annual North Amer¬ican Meetings of the Society for General Systems Research, l975), 28 34. [Trans. Serbo Croat, l986] [PWE]
- “The Three Stages of African Involvement into the World Economy,” in Peter C.W. Gutkind & Immanuel Wallerstein, eds., Polit¬i¬cal Economy of Contemporary Africa. Vol. I of Sage Series on African Modernization and Development. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, l976, 30 57. [Revised ed., 1985, 35 63] [Trans. Hungarian l978, l98l] [AMW]
- “Modernization: Requiescat in Pace,” in L. Coser & O. Larsen, eds., The Uses of Controversy in Sociology. New York: Free Press, l976, l3l 35. [CWE]
- “From Feudalism to Capitalism: Transition or Transitions?” So¬cial Forces, 55, 2, Dec. l976, 273 83. [Trans. Hungarian l977, l978, l98l; Dutch l976; Spanish, l978; Italian l986; Polish l988] [CWE]
- “The Rural Economy in the Modern World Society,” with “Additional Comments” in Jonathon L. Jenkins, ed., Food and the Rural Economy, Proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Society, Lutheran Church in America, l976, l l9. [CWE]
- “Semi peripheral Countries and the Contemporary World Crisis,” Theory and Society, III, 4, Winter l976, 46l 83. [Trans. Sp. l975; Hungarian, l980; Greek, l98l] [CWE]
- “A World System Perspective on the Social Sciences,” British Jour¬nal of Sociology, XXVII, 3, Sept. l976, 348 52. [Trans. Hungarian, l980; partial trans. German, l983] [CWE]
- “Luanda is Madrid: The World Challenge of Angola,” The Nation, Jan. 3 l0, l976, l2 l7. [AMW]
- “Kissinger’s African Mischief,” The Nation, Oct. 9, l976, 328 3l. [AMW]
- “American Slavery and the Capitalist World Economy,” American Journal of Sociology, LXXXI, 5, Mar. l976, ll99 l2l3. [Re¬view of Robert W. Fogel & Stanley L. Engerman, Time on the Cross, and Eugene D. Genovese, Roll, Jordan, Roll] [Trans. Fr. l98l] [CWE]
- “The Tasks of Historical Social Science: An Editorial,” Review, I, l, Summer l977, 3 7.
- (with Terence K. Hopkins et al.), “Patterns of Develoment of the Modern World System,” Review, I, 2, Fall l977, lll 45. [Trans. German l979; Ital. l979; Hungarian l979, l980, Chi¬nese, l985, Japanese 1991] [WSA]
- “How Do We Know Class Struggle When We See It?,” Insurgent So¬ciol¬ogist, VII, 2, Spr. l977, l04 06. [Trans. Fr. l983]
- “Yankee, Stay Home! South Africa and Liberal Inteventionism,” The Nation, Nov. l2, l977, 489 92. [AMW]
- “Civilizations and Modes of Production: Conflicts and Convergen¬ces,” Theory and Society, V, l, l978, l l0. [PWE]
- “World Systems Analysis: Theoretical and Interpretative Issues,” in Barbara H. Kaplan, ed., Social Change in the Capitalist World Economy. Beverly Hills: Sage, l978, 2l9 35. [Trans. Chinese, l985] [WSA]
- (with John Frank Stephens), “Libraries and Our Civilizations,” a report prepared for the Governor of the State of New York, June l978.
- (with K.P. Moseley), “Precapitalist Social Structures,” Annual Review of Sociology, IV, l978, 259 90.
- “Annales as Resistance,” Review, I, 3/4, Winter/Spring l978, 5 7.
- “Class Conflict in the Capitalist World-Economy,” in The Capita¬list World-Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1979, 283-293. [Trans. Fr. 1988, German 1990, Greek 1991, Italian 1991, Turkish 1993] [CWE] [RNC]
- “Underdevelopment and Phase B: Effect of the Seventeenth Century Stagnation on Core and Periphery of the European World Econ¬omy,” in Walter Goldfrank, ed., The World System of Capita¬lism, Past and Present. Beverly Hills: Sage, l979, 73 83. (Also: “Crisis of the Seventeenth Century, New Left Review, l978). [Trans. Ital. l978, Sp. l979, German l98l, Jap. l984]
- “The Ottoman Empire and the Capitalist World Economy: Some Ques¬tions for Research,” Review, II, 3, Win. l979, 389 98.
- (with T.K. Hopkins et al.), Research Working Group on Cyclical Rhythms & Secular Trends, “Cyclical Rhythms & Secular Trends of the Capitalist World Economy: Some Premises, Hypotheses, and Questions,” Review, II, 4, Spr. l979, 483 500. [Trans. German l98l; Jap. l984, 1991; Chinese l985] [WSA]
- (with William G. Martin), “Peripheralization of South Africa: Changes in Household Structure and Labor Force Formation,” Review, III, 2, Fall l979, l93 207. [AMW]
- “(An Essay Review:) Kondratieff Up or Kondratieff Down?” Review, II, 4, Spr. l979, 663 73 [Important typo, p. 664] [Trans. Jap. l984, 1991]
- “Incorporation and Peripheralization: Two Concepts as a Frame¬work of Analysis,” Research Bulletin, Southern Africa and the World Economy, No. l, Aug. l979, 2 5.
- “World Networks and the Politics of the World-Economy,” in A.H. Hawley, ed., Societal Growth: Processes and Implications, New York: Free Press, 1979, 269-78. [Tr. Japanese 1991, Turkish 1992] [PWE]
- “The Future of the World Economy,” in Terence K. Hopkins & Imman¬uel Wallerstein, eds., Processes of the World System. Bever¬ly Hills: Sage, l980, l67 80. [Trans. Ital. l979, Sp. l980, Dutch l980, German l979, l983] [PWE]
- “One Man’s Meat: The Scottish Great Leap Forward,” Review, III, 4, Spr. l980, 63l 40.
- “Imperialism and Development,” in Albert Bergesen, ed., Studies of the Modern World System. New York: Academic Press, l980, l3 23.
- “Development: Theories, Research Designs and Empirical Meas¬ures,” in L. Blussé et al., History and Underdevelopment. Leiden: Centre for the Study of European Expansion, l980, 2l 28. [Itinerario, No. l, l980]
- “The Annales School: The War on Two Fronts,” Annals of Scholar¬ship, I, 3, Sum. l980, 85 9l.
- “Friends as Foes,” Foreign Policy, No. 40, Fall l980, ll9 3l. [PWE]
- “The States in the Institutional Vortex of the Capitalist World Economy,’ International Social Science Journal, XXXII, 4, l980, 743 5l. [Fr., Sp. editions also] [PWE]
- “The Withering Away of the States,” International Journal of the Sociology of Law, VIII, 4, Nov. l980, 369 78. [PWE]
- “Eurocommunism: Its Roots in European Working Class History,” Contemporary Marxism, No. 2, Winter l980, l 7. [PWE]
- “Maps, Maps, Maps” Radical History Review, No. 24, Fall l980, l54 59. [Review of G. Barraclough, ed., The Times Atlas of World History]
- “Concepts in the Social Sciences: Problems of Translation,” in Marilyn Gaddis Rose, ed., Translation Spectrum: Essays in Theory and Practice. Albany: SUNY Press, l98l, 88 98.
- “Patterns and Prospectives of the Capitalist World Economy,” HSDRSCA 74/UNUP 300, HSDP SCA Series, l98l. [Trans. Fr. l984, l985; Sp. l983, Serbo Croat l980] [PWE]
- (with Terence K. Hopkins), “Structural Transformations of the World Economy,” in Richard Rubinson, ed., Dynamics of World Development. Beverly Hills: Sage, l98l, 233 6l. [WSA]
- (with Resat Kasaba), “Incorporation into the World Economy: Chan¬ges in the Structure of the Ottoman Empire,” l750 l839,” METU Studies in Development (Odtü Gelisme Dergisi), VIII, l/2, l98l, 537 70.
- “The U.S.A. in Today’s World,” Contemporary Marxism, No. 4, Win. l98l 82, ll l7. [Trans. Sp. l984] [PWE]
- (Contribution to) Towards One World? International Responses to the Brandt Report. London: Temple Smith, l98l, 343 49. [Trans. Sp. l983, German l983, Turkish 1993] [GPG]
- “The Development of the Modern World System in the Long Sixteenth Century Basic Concepts,” in Jürgen Schneider, hrsg., Wirt¬schaftskräfte und Wirtschaftswege. Stuttgart: Klein Cotta, l98l, V, 229 35.
- “Spazio economico,” Enciclopedia Einaudi, XIII: Società Tecnica. Torino: Einaudi, l98l, 304 l4.
- “Race is Class? Some Reflections on South Africa Inspired by Magubane,” Monthly Review, XXXII, l0, Mar. l98l, 47 52. [Review essay of Bernard Magubane, The Political Economy of Race and Class in South Africa] [AMW]
- (with William G. Martin & Torry Dickinson), “Household Structures and Production Processes: Preliminary Theses and Findings,” Review, V, 3, Win. l982, 437 58.
- “Revolutionary Movements in the Era of U.S. Hegemony and After,” Contemporary Marxism, No. 5, Summer l982, l20 28. [Trans. Ital. l982 (partial); Sp. l982 (partial); Port. l986] [PWE]
- “Socialist States: Mercantilist Strategies and Revolutionary Ob¬jectives,” in Edward Friedman, ed., Ascent and Decline in the World System. Beverly Hills: Sage, l982, 289 300. [PWE]
- “Economic Theories and Historical Disparities of Development,” in Eighth International Economic History, Budapest l982, J. Koc¬ka & G. Ránki, eds., Bl: Economic Theory & History. Buda¬pest: Akadémiai Kiadó, l982, l7 26. [Trans. Swedish l982, Serbo Croat l986]
- “North Atlanticism in Decline,” SAIS Review, No. 4, Summer l982, 2l 26. [Tr. Turkish 1993] [GPG]
- “Fernand Braudel, Historian, homme de la conjoncture,” Radical History Review, 26, l982, l05 ll9. [Trans. Ital. l980, Sp. l983, Fr. l988]
- “L’histoire comme actualité. A partir de Braudel,” [on Civilisa¬tion matérielle, Economie, et Capitalisme], Politique au¬jourd’hui, No. l 2, l982, l2l 23. [Trans. Turkish, l986]
- “The Integration of the National Liberation Movement in the Field of International Liberation,” Contemporary Marxism, No. 6, Spring l983, l66 7l. [Trans. Fr. l983 l984, l987, Port. l984] [AMW]
- “Capitalism and the World Working Class: Some Premises and Some Issues for Research and Analysis,” in I. Wallerstein, ed., Labor and the World Social Structure, l7 2l.
- “Crises: The World Economy, the Movements, and the Ideologies,” in Albert Bergesen, ed., Crises in the World System, Beverly Hills: Sage, l983, 2l 36.
- “The Evolving Role of the Africa Scholar in African Studies,” Canadian Journal of African Studies, XVII, l, Apr. l983, 9 l6. [AMW]
- “Nationalism and the World Transition to Socialism: Is There a Crisis?” Third World Quarterly, V, l, Jan. l983, 95 l02. [PWE]
- “European Economic Development: A Comment on O’Brien,” Economic History Review, 2nd ser., XXXVI, 4, Nov. l983, 580 83. [Re¬sponse to O’Brien, EHR, XXV, l982, l l8; Reply by O’Brien, EHR, XXXVI, l983, 584 85].
- (with Giovanni Arrighi & Terence K. Hopkins), “Rethinking the Concepts of Class and Status Group in a World System Per¬spec¬tive,” Review, VI, 3, Win. l983, 283 304. [Reprinted l985] [ASM]
- “An Agenda for World Systems Analysis,” in William R. Thompson, ed., Contending Approaches to World System Analysis, Beverly Hills: Sage, l983, 299 308.
- (with Resat Kasaba), “Incorporation into the World Economy: Change in the Structure of the Ottoman Empire, l750 l889,” in J. L. Bacqué Grammont & P. Dumont, dir., Economies et so¬ciétés dans l’Empire ottoman (fin du XVIIIe début du XIXe siècle), Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg, l 5 juil. l980, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, No. 60l. Paris: Ed. du CNRS, l983, 335 354.
- “The Three Instances of Hegemony in the History of the Capitalist World Economy,” International Journal of Comparative Sociol¬ogy, XXIV, l 2, Jan. Apr. l983, l00 l08. [Trans. Serbo Croat l986] [PWE]
- (with Giovanni Arrighi), “What Difference Do Socialist Govern¬ments in Southern Europe Make? Some Notes for a Discus¬sion,” Peuples méditerranéens, No. 25, oct. déc. l983, l3l 36.
- “Household Structures and Labor Force Formation in the Capitalist World Economy,” in Joan Smith, Immanuel Wallerstein, and Hans Dieter Evers, eds., Households and the World Economy. Beverly Hills: Sage, l984, l7 22. [Trans. Fr. l988, German 1990, Greek 1991, Italian 1991, Turkish 1993] [RNC]
- “Cities in Socialist Theory and Capitalist Praxis,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, VIII, l, Mar. l984, 64 72.
- “Long Waves as Capitalist Process,” Review, VII, 4, Spr. l984, 559 75. [Trans. Sp. l985, Japanese 1991]
- “Which Historical Present for Which Historical Future?” Cencras¬tus, No. l7, Sum. l984, 3 5.
- “The Development of the Concept of Development,” in R. Collins, ed., Sociological Theory, l984. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, l984, l02 l6. [Trans. Fr. l982] [PWE]
- “Economic Cycles and Socialist Politics,” Futures, XVI, 6, Dec. l984, 579 85. [Trans. Port. l984]
- “Marx and History: Fruitful and Unfruitful Emphases,” Thesis XI, No. 8, Jan. l984, 92 l0l. [Trans. Fr. l983, corrected 1988; Ital. l984, 1991, Sp. l983, German 1990, Greek 1991, Turkish 1993] [RNC]
- “Africa, One Hundred Years After the Berlin Conference,” Africa Research & Publications Project, Working Papers No. 9, l984. [Trans. German, l984] [AMW]
- “Africa and the World System: How Much Change Since Indepen¬dence?” in G.M. Carter & P. O’Meara, eds., African Indepen¬dence: The First Twenty Five Years. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, l985, 330 38.
- “The Relevance of the Concept of Semiperiphery to the Analysis of Southern Europe,” in Giovanni Arrighi, ed., Semiperipheral Development: The Politics of Southern Europe in the Twenti¬eth Century. Beverly Hills: Sage, l985, 3l 39. [Trans. Ital. l984]
- (with Peter D. Phillips), “National and World Identities and the Interstate System,” Millenium, XIV, 2, Sum. l985, l59 7l. [Tr. Turkish 1992] [GPG]
- “Marx and Underdevelopment,” in S. Resnick & R. Wolff, eds., Re¬thinking Marxism: Struggles in Marxist Theory Essays for Harry Magdoff & Paul Sweezy. Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia, l985, 379 395. [Trans. Ital. l983, l986; Fr. l987; German 1992, Hungarian 1997]
- “World Systems Analysis: Five Questions in Search of a New Con¬sensus,” The History Teacher, XVIII, 4, Aug. l985, 527 32.
- “Vers une recomposition des sciences sociales,” EspacesTemps, No. 29, l985, 36 42.
- Map 35: “Africa in World Trade, c. l600,” in J.F. Ade Ajayi & M. Crowder, gen. eds., Historical Atlas of Africa. London: Longman, l985.
- “Braudel on Capitalism and the Market,” Monthly Review, XXXVII, 9, Feb. l986, ll l6. [Trans. Port. l987; French orig. l986; Chinese 2000]
- “Societal Development, or Development of the World System?” In¬ternational Sociology, I, l, Mar. l986, 3 l7. [Trans. German l984]
- “Marxisms as Utopias: Evolving Ideologies,” American Journal of Sociology, XCI, 6, May l986, l295 l308. [Trans. Flemish l988]
- “World System and Civilization,” Development, l/2, l986, ll4 l9. [Trans. Dutch l984, Italian l985, Turkish 1993] [GPG]
- “Walter Rodney: The Historian as Spokesman for Historical For¬ces,” American Ethnologist, XIII, 2, May l986, 330 37.
- (with T.K. Hopkins), “Comparing Downturns: Some Questions of Me¬thod,” Cahier du GEMDEV, No. 7, mars l986, 7 2l.
- (with G. Arrighi, T.K. Hopkins), “Dilemmas of Antisystemic Move¬ments,” Social Research, LIII, l, Spring l986, l85 206. [ASM]
- (with T.K. Hopkins), “Commodity Chains in the World Economy Prior to l800,” Review, X, l, Sum. l986, l57 70.
- “Who Wants Still More Development?” Contemporary Marxism, Nos. l2/l3, Spr. l986, 225 229. [Trans. Greek, l983]
- “The Hidden Issues: A New Agenda,” in S. Lindenberg, J.S. Cole¬man, & S. Nowak, eds., Approaches to Social Theory. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, l986, 29 32 (and discussion: 33 37).
- “The Industrial Revolution: Cui Bono?” Thesis Eleven, No. l3, l986, 67 76. [Trans. Port. l982; Fr. orig. l983]
- “La dyade analyste analysé dans son contexte social,” Cahiers du Centre de Psychanalyse et de Psychothérapie, No. l2, prin¬temps l986, 37 45.
- “La lutte du R.D.A. dans le contexte du système monde après l945,” in Actes du Colloque international sur l’histoire du R.D.A., Yamoussoukro, l8 25 octobre l986. Abidjan: CEDA, l987, I, ll l4.
- “Mills as Biography,” Theory and Society, XV, l986, 465 74. [Re¬view of Irving Louis Horowitz, C. Wright Mills: An American Utopian]
- (with G. Arrighi, T.K. Hopkins), “Liberation of Class Struggle? Review, X, 3, Win. l987, 403 24. [Trans. Serbo Croat, l988] [ASM]
- “Historical Systems as Complex Systems,” in P.M. Allen, W.C. Schieve, & R.N. Adams, eds., “Special Issue: Modelling Com¬plex Systems, I,” European Journal of Operational Research, XXX, 2, June l987, 203 07. [Tr. Russian 1998]
- “World Systems Analysis,” in A. Giddens & J. Turner, eds., Social Theory Today. Cambridge: Polity Press, l987, 309 24. [Tr. Spanish 1990; Italian 1992; Japanese 1993; Korean 1994; Ger¬man 1995; French 1995; Russian 1998]
- “Some Reflections on the Future of Ottoman Studies,” in B. Lewis et al., Raiyyet Rüsûmu: Halil Inalcik Festschrift, Journal of Turkish Studies, XI, l987, 235 37.
- “The United States and the World ‘Crisis,'” in Terry Boswell & Al¬bert Bergesen, eds., America’s Changing Role in the World System. New York: Praeger, l987, l7 23. [Trans. Fr. l984; Sp. l986].
- “Japan and the Future Trajectory of the World System: Lessons from History?” in Wolfram F. Hanrieder, ed., Global Peace and Security: Trends and Challenges. Boulder, CO: Westview, l987, 36 46. [Trans. Italian l986, Japanese l986, Turkish 1992] [GPG]
- “The Construction of Peoplehood: Racism, Nationalism, Ethnicity,” Sociological Forum, II, 2, Spr. l987, 373 88. [Trans. French l987, corrected version l988; German 1990, Greek 1991, Ital¬ian 1991, Turkish 1993, Chinese 1998] [RNC]
- “Periphery” in J. Eatwell, M. Milgate & P. Newman, eds., The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics. London: Macmillan, l987, III: 846 49.
- (with Hale Decdeli & Resat Kasaba), “The Incorporation of the Ot¬toman Empire in the World Economy,” in H. Islamoglu Inan, ed., The Ottoman Empire and the World Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, l987, 88 97. [Trans. Turkish, l983; German, l985]
- (with T.K. Hopkins), “Capitalism and the Incorporation of New Zones into the World Economy,” Review, X, 5/6 (Suppl.), Sum/Fall l987, 763 79.
- “The Reagan Non Revolution, or the Limited Choices of the US,” Millenium: Journal of International Studies, XVI, 3, Winter l987, 467 472A. [Repr. version corrects orig. publication] [Tr. Turkish 1993] [GPG]
- “The Incorporation of the Indian Subcontinent into the Capitalist World Economy,” in S. Chandra, ed., The Indian Ocean: Ex¬plor¬ations in History, Commerce & Politics. New Delhi: Sage, 222 53.
- “The World That Sugar Made,” review of Sidney Mintz, Sweetness and Power, in Food and Foodways, II, 2, l987, l09 l2.
- “Should We Unthink the Nineteenth Century?” in Francisco O. Rami¬rez, ed., Rethinking the Nineteenth Century. New York: Greenwood Press, l988, l85 9l. [Trans. Fr., l988; Sp. l988, Polish 1993]
- “European Unity and Its Implications for the Interstate System,” in B. Hettne, ed., Europe: Dimensions of Peace. London: Zed Books & United Nations University, l988, 27 38. [Tr. Turkish 1992] [GPG]
- “What Can One Mean by Southern Culture?,” in N.M. Bartley, ed., The Evolution of Southern Culture. Athens: Univ. of Georgia Press, l988, l l3. [Tr. Turkish 1993] [GPG]
- “The Bourgeois(ie) as Concept and Reality,” New Left Review, No. l67, Jan. Feb. l988, 9l l06. [Trans. Fr. l988, Greek 1991, Italian 1991, Sp. l988, Turkish l989] [RNC]
- “Comments on Stern’s Critical Tests,” American Historical Review, XCIII, 4, Oct. l988, 873 85. [Answer to Stern, same issue, 829 72; answer by Stern, same issue, 886 97]
- “Development: Lodestar or Illusion?” Economic and Political Week¬ly, XXIII, 39, Sept. 24, l988, 20l7 23. [Transl. Chinese 2000]
- “Typology of Crises in the World System,” Review, XI, 4, Fall l988, 58l 98. [Trans. Flemish, l986; German, l986; Ital. l987; Korean 1992, Turkish 1993] [GPG]
- “The Ideological Tensions of Capitalism: Universalism versus Ra¬cism and Sexism,” in J. Smith et al., Racism, Sexism, and the World System. New York: Greenwood Press, l988, 3 9. [Trans. Fr. l988, Flemish l989, German 1990, Greek 1991, Italian 1991] [RNC]
- “The Inventions of TimeSpace Realities: Towards an Understanding of Our Historical Systems,” Geography, LXIII, 4, No. 32l, Oct. l988, 289 97.
- “The ‘Discoveries’ and Human Progress,” in Estudos e ensaios: Em homanagem a Vitorino Magalhaes Godinho. Lisboa: Livr. Sá da Costa Ed., l988, l03 l4.
- “A Comment on Epistemology: What is Africa Canadian Journal of African Studies, XXII, 2, l988, 33l 33.
- “Les dilemmes du capitalisme,” in M. Vovelle, dir., L’Etat de la France pendant la Révolution, l789 l799. Paris: Ed. La Dé¬couverte, l988, 2l 25.
- “Réflexions à partir de Fernand Braudel,” L’Evénement européen, No. 2: “La question méditerranéenne,” l988, l47 52.
- “The French Revolution as a World Historical Event,” Social Re¬search, LVI, l, Spr. l989, 33 52. [Reprinted in F. Fehér, The French Revolution and the Birth of Modernity, 1990] [Trans. Fr. l990]
- (with Giovanni Arrighi & Caglar Keyder), “Southern Europe in the World Economy in the Twentieth Century: Implications for Political and Social Transformations,” in M.T. Martin & T.R. Kandal, eds., Studies of Development and Change in the Mod¬ern World. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, l989, 409 l7.
- “France: A Special Case? A World Systems Perspective,” in E. Gen¬ovese & L. Hochberg, eds., Geographic Perspectives in History. New York: Basil Blackwell, l989, l44 57.
- “The Myrdal Legacy: Racism and Underdevelopment as Dilemmas,” Cooperation and Conflict, XXIV, l, l989, l l8.
- “Quels sont les sentiers de l’espoir?” in S. Mappa, dir., La C.E.E.: Chance ou contrainte pour la transformation sociale? Paris: Ed. L’Harmattan, l989, l07 l2. [Trans. Greek, l988]
- “‘Bourgeoisie’ et ‘prolétariat,'” in S. Cordellier, coord., L’E¬tat du Tiers Monde, Ed. l989. Paris: La Découverte, l989, p. l75.
- (with Giovanni Arrighi & Terence K. Hopkins), “l886 l986: Beyond Haymarket?” Review, XII, 2, Spr. l989. [ASM]
- (with G. Arrighi & T.K. Hopkins), “l968: The Great Rehearsal,” in T. Boswell, ed., Revolution in the World System. New York: Greenwood Press, l989, l9 3l. [ASM]
- “The Capitalist World Economy: Middle Run Prospects,” Alterna¬tives, XIV, 3, July l989, 279 88. [Trans. Fr. l989, Hung. l989, Chinese l989, Turkish 1993] [GPG]
- “l968, Revolution in the World System: Theses and Queries,” The¬ory and Society, XVIII, 4, July l989, 43l 49. [Trans. Fr. l989, Spanish l989, Turkish 1993] [GPG]
- “Africa and the world economy,” in General History of Africa, Vol. VI: J.F. Ade Ajayi, ed., Africa in the Nineteenth Cen¬tury until the l880s. Paris: Unesco, l989, 23 39.
- “Culture as the Ideological Battleground of the Modern World Sys¬tem,” Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies, XXI, l, Aug. l989, 5 22. [Trans. Swedish l988, Finnish l988, Turkish 1993] [GPG]
- “Peace and War in the Modern World System,” L.R. Forcey, ed., Peace: Meanings, Politics, Strategies, New York: Praeger, l989, l37 l45.
- “Economic Determinism without Economic Dynamics,” review of Paul Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from l500 2000, in British Journal of Sociology, XL, 2, June l989, 335 340.
- “Afterword” to Warren Wagar, A Short History of the Future. Chi¬cago: Univ. of Chicago Press, l989, 295 296. [Trans. Sp. 1991]
- “World Systems Analysis: The Second Phase,” Review, XIII, 2, Spr. l990, 287 293.
- “Marx, Marxism Leninism, and Socialist Experiences in the Modern World System,” Economic Review, XVI, 3, June l990, 5 7, 25 28. [Trans. German l990, Flemish l990, Turkish 1993] [GPG]
- “Europe’s Possibilities,” in Riccardo Parboni (l945 l988): In Me¬moriam, Univ. degli Studi di Modena, Studi e Richerche del Dipartimento di Economia Politica, No. 55, l990, 25 3l.
- (with Joan Smith), “Households as an Institution of the World Econ¬omy,” in J. Sprey, ed., Fashioning Family Theory: New Approaches. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, l990, 34 50. [Also in R.L. Blumberg, ed., Gender, Family, and Economy, Sage, 1991, 225-42]
- “The Renewed Concern with Civilization(s?),” Thesis Eleven, No. 25. l990, l07 ll3. [Tr. Turkish 1993] [GPG]
- “Culture is the World System: A Reply to Boyne,” Theory, Culture & Society, VII, 2 3, June l990, 63 65. [Boyne, ibid., 57 62] [Journal issue reprinted in toto as book: Mike Featherstone, ed., Global Culture: Nationalism, Globalization and Moderni¬ty. London: Sage, l990]
- “A Theory of Economic History in Place of Economic Theory?” in Herman Van der Wee, ed., Studies in Social and Economic His¬tory, Vol. l5: Erik Aerts, Thomas Kuczynski, & Vladimir Vi¬no¬gradov, eds., Methodological Problems. Leuven: Leuven Univ. Press, l990, 4l 50. [Also in Revue économique, XLII, 2, mar. 1991, 173-80]
- (with William G. Martin), “Southern Africa in the World Economy, l870 2000: Strategic Problems in World Historical Perspec¬tive,” in T. Melasuo, ed., National Movements and World Peace. Aldershot, UK: Avebury, l990. [Trans. Port. l986]
- “Sociology for Undergraduates: Social Systems as World-Systems, World-Systems as Historical Systems,” in S. Groennings & D.S. Wiley, eds., Group Portrait: Internationalizing the Disciplines. New York: American Forum, 1990, 196-200.
- “World-Systems Analysis and Historical Particularity: Some Com¬ments,” in Sugata Bose, ed., South Asia and World Capita¬lism. Delhi: Oxford Univ. Press, 1990, 21-26.
- “Beyond Annales?,” Radical History Review, 49, Win. 1991, 7-15. [Tr. Russian 1993, Sp. 1993]
- “Braudel on Capitalism, or Everything Upside Down,” Journal of Modern History, LXIII, 2, June 1991, 354-361. [Tr. Italian 1992; Spanish 1993; Chinses 2000] [USS]
- “Capitalist Markets: Theory and Reality,” Social Science Informa¬tion, XXX, 3, Sept. 1991, 371-379. [Transl. Chinese 2000]
- “The Cold War and the Third World: The Good Old Days?,” Economic and Political Weekly, XXVI, 17, Apr. 27, 1991, 1103-1106. [AL] [Transl. Arabic 1999]
- “Does India Exist?,” in Unthinking Social Science. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991, 130-134. [Tr. Jap. 1988] [USS]
- “The Lessons of the 1980’s,” in Geopolitics and Geoculture. Cam¬bridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1991, 1-15. [Transl. Japanese 1992, Korean 1992, Sp. 1992, Turkish 1992] [GPG]
- “Le Marxisme-Leninism est mort–Vive quoi?,” in J. Bidet et J. Texier, dir., Fin du Communisme? Actualité du Marxisme? Paris: Presses Univ. de France, 1991, 153-163.
- “Le monde méditerranéen à l’époque post-guerre froide,” in C. Rey¬naud & A. Sid Ahmed, dir., L’avenir de l’espace méditer¬ra¬néen. Paris: Ed. Publisud, 1991, 53-63.
- “The National and the Universal: Can There Be Such a Thing as World Culture?” in A.D. King, Culture, Globalization and the World-System: Current Debates in Art History, 3 ed., Bing¬hamton: Dept. of Art and Art History, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1991. [Tr. Ital. 1989, Sp. 1989, Fr. 1990, Turkish 1993] [GPG]
- “La recomposition perpetuelle des frontières culturelles perçues: L’Europe central à l’aune d’aujourd’hui,” in G. Beauprêtre, réd., L’Europe central. Réalité, mythe, enjeu, XVIIIe-XXe siècles. Les Cahiers de Varsovie, No. 22, Warszawa: Ed. de l’Univ. de Varsovie, 1991, 61-65.
- “Report on an Intellectual Project: The Fernand Braudel Center, 1976-1991,” Binghamton, NY: Fernand Braudel Center, Sept. 1991.
- “World System versus World-Systems: A Critique,” Critique of An¬thropology, XI, 2, 1991, 189-194. [Tr. Fr.]
- (with Giovanni Arrighi & Terence K. Hopkins), “1989, The Continu¬ation of 1968,” Review, XV, 2, Mar. 1992, 221-242. [Tr. Ital. 1992, Jap. 1992, Sp. 1993]
- “America and the World: Today, Yesterday, and Tomorrow,” Theory and Society, XXI, 1, Feb. 1992, 1-28. [Trans. Fr. 1991, Turkish 1992] [AL]
- “The Challenge of Maturity: Whither Social Science?,” Review, XV, 1, Dec. 1992, 1-7. [Tr. Turkish 1993]
- “The Collapse of Liberalism,” in R. Miliband & L. Panitch, eds., Socialist register 1992: New World Order? London: Merlin, 1992, 96-110. [Tr. Sp. 1993; Swedish 1993] [AL]
- “Europe and the World-Economy: The Problems of the Next 50 Years,” in B. Bremer, ed., Europe by Nature: Starting Points for Sustainable Development. Assen: Conspectus Europae/Van Gorcum, 1992, 21-28.
- “The Persian Gulf War: What Gain for the United States?,” Poly¬graph, No. 5, 1992, 38-45. [Trans. Japanese 1991]
- “The Concept of National Development, 1917-1989: Elegy and Requi¬em,” in G. Marks & L. Diamond, eds., Reexamining Democracy: Essays in Honor of Seymour Martin Lipset. Newbury Park: Sage, 1992, 79-88. [Also American Behavioral Scientist, XXV, 4-5, Mar. 1992, 517-29] [Tr. Fr. 1993; Port. 1993] [AL]
- (with Aníbal Quijano), “Americanity as a Concept, or the Americas in the Modern World-System,” International Social Science Journal, No. 134, Nov., 1992, 549-557. [Tr. Fr. 1992, Sp. 1992]
- “A Brief Agenda for the Future of Long Waves Research,” in Alfred Kleinknecht, Ernest Mandel & Immanuel Wallerstein, eds., New Findings in Long-Wave Research. London: Macmillan, 1992, 339-342.
- “Capitalist Civilization,” Wei Lun Lecture Series II, Chinese Uni¬versity Bulletin, Supplement 23, 1992, 5-26. [Tr. Chinese 1992, Korean 1993]
- “Liberalism and the Legitimation of Nation-States: An Historical Interpretation,” Social Justice, XIX, 1, Spr., 1992, 22-33. [AL]
- “Marxism After the Collapse of the Communisms,” Economic Review, XVII, 11/12, Feb./Mar. 1992, 2-3, 34-36. [AL] [Tr. Fr. 1992]
- “Post-America and the Collapse of the Communisms,” Rethinking Marxism, V, 1, Spr. 1992, 93-100. [Tr. German 1991, Japanese 1991]
- “The West, Capitalism, and the Modern World-System,” Review, XV, 4, Fall 1992, 561-619. [Tr. Fr. 1990, German 1990]
- “Creación del sistema mundial moderno,” in VV. AA., Un mundo ja¬más imaginado, 1492-1992. Bogotá: Ed. Santillana, 1992, 201-209.
- Review of Janet L. Abu-Lughod, Before European Hegemony, in In¬ternational Journal of Middle East Studies, XXIV, 1, Feb. 1992, 128-131.
- “The World-System After the Cold War,” Journal of Peace Research, XXX, 1, Feb. 1993, 1-6. [Tr. German 1992, Japanese 1992]
- “Foes as Friends?,” Foreign Policy, No. 90, Spr. 1993, 145-157.
- “Geopolitical Strategies of the U.S. in a Post-American World,” in K. Nordenstreng & H.I. Schiller, eds., Beyond National Sovereignty: International Communication in the 1990s. Nor¬wood, NJ: Ablex, 1993, 59-63. [Tr. German 1992]
- “The TimeSpace of World-Systems Analysis: A Philosophical Essay,” Historical Geography, XXIII, 1/2, 1993, 5-22.
- “L’Afrique australe dans le contexte du système-monde depuis 1945,” in J.T. Omasombo, dir., Le Zaire à l’épreuve de l’his¬toire immédiate. Hommage à Benoît Verhaegen. Paris: Ed. Karthala, 1993, 47-54.
- “Wise, But Not Tough, or is it Correct, But Not Wise?,” in the South Centre, Facing the Challenge: Responses to the Report of the South Commission. London: Zed Press, 1993, 117-121.
- “Le système-monde et son devenir: Thèses sur sa structure et sa trajectoire actuelle,” Cahier du Gemdev, No. 20, “Points de vue sur le système monde,” mai, 1993, 172-181.
- “The Geoculture of Development, or the Transformation of our Geo¬culture?,” Asian Perspective, XVII, 2, Fall-Winter, 1993, 211-225. [AL]
- (with Terence K. Hopkins), “Commodity Chains: Construct and Re¬search,” in G. Gereffi & M. Korzeniewicz, eds., Commodity Chains and Global Capitalism. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1993, 17-20.
- “Peace, Stability, and Legitimacy: 1990-2025/2050,” in G. Lunde¬stad, ed., The Fall of Great Powers: Peace, Stability, and Legitimacy. Oslo: Scandinavian Univ. Press, 1994, 331-349. [AL]
- “The Agonies of Liberalism: What Hope Progress?” New Left Review, No. 204, Mar.-Apr. 1994, 3-17. [AL] [Tr. Spanish 1994]
- “Revolution as Tactics and Strategy of Transformation,” in A. Callari, et al., Marxism in Postmodern Age. New York: Guil¬ford Publ., 1995, 223-230. [AL] [Tr. French 1997]
- “Neither Patriotism, Nor Cosmopolitanism,” Boston Review, XIX, 5, Oct./Nov., 1994, 15-16.
- “Hold the Tiller Firm: On Method and the Unit of Analysis,” in S. Sanderson, ed., Civilizations and World Systems. Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira, 1995, 239-247. (Also Comparative Civ¬ilization Review, No. 30, Spring 1994, 54-55.)
- “Africa in the Shuffle,” Issue, XXIII, 1, Win.-Spr. 1995, 22-23.
- “Declining States, Declining Rights” [Response to Charles Til¬ly],” International Labor and Working-Class History, No. 47, Spr. 1995, 24-27.
- “La violence et l’économie-monde capitaliste,” Lignes, No. 25, mai 1995, 48-56.
- “Les sciences sociales battent de l’aile. Quel phénix en re¬naîtra?,” Cahiers de recherche sociologique, No. 24, 1995, 209-222.
- “What Hope Africa? What Hope the World?,” in A.O. Olukoshi & L. Wohgemuth, eds., A Road to Development. Africa in the 21st Century. Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 1995, 68-84. [AL]
- “The End of What Modernity?” Theory and Society, XXIV, 4, Aug. 1995, 471-88. [AL] [Tr. Port. 1997]
- “Evolution of the Modern World-System,” Protosoziologie, VII, 1995, 4-10.
- “The Insurmountable Contradictions of Liberalism: Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples in the Geoculture of the Modern World-System,” South Atlantic Quarterly, XCIV, 4, FAll 1995, 1161-1178. [AL] [Transl. Ital. 1999]
- “History in Search of Science,” Review, XIX, 1, Winter 1996, 11-22. [Tr. Polish, 1995, German 1998]
- “Open the Social Sciences,” Items, L, 1, Mar. 1996, 1-7.
- “Social Science & Contemporary Society: Vanishing Guarantees of Rationality,” International Sociology, XI, 1, Mar. 1996, 7-25. [Tr. Fr. 1998][EW]
- “Underdevelopment and Its Remedies,” in S.C. Chew & R.A. Dene¬mark, eds., The Underdevelopment of Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1996, 355-61.
- “Scholarly Concepts: Translation or Interpretation,” in M.G. Rose, ed., Translation Horizons: Beyond the Boundaries of Translation Spectrum, Binghamton, NY: CRIT, 1996, 107-117.
- “The Last Hurrah? Democracy and the Wages of War,” in D.C. Sheth & A. Nandy, ed., The Multiverse of Democracy. New Delhi: Sage, 1996, 136-42.
- “The Interstate Structure of the Modern World-System,” in S. Smith et al., International Theory: Positivism and Beyond, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996, 87-107. [Tr. Ukr. 1998]
- “The ANC and South Africa: Past and Future of Liberation Move¬ments in the World-System,” Economic and Political Weekly, XXXI, No. 39, Sept. 28, 1996, 2695-2699. [Tr. Spanish 1999] [EW]
- “The Book that Adam Smith did not Write,” Cahiers d’économie po¬litique, Nos. 27-28, 1996, 145-151.
- “Three Ideologies or One? The Pseudo Battle of Modernity,” in S.P. Turner, ed., Social Theory and Sociology: The Classics and Beyond, Cambridge, MA: Blackwell’s, 1996, 53-69.
- “La historia de las ciencias sociales,” UNAM: CEEICH, 1997. [Tr. Italian 1998]
- “Eurocentrism and its Avatars: The Dilemmas of Social Science,” New Left Review, 226, Nov./Dec., 1997. [Tr. Kor. 1997; Chi. 1998; Ital. 1998; Span. 2000] [EW]
- “Integration to What? Marginalization From What?,” Scandinavian Political Studies, XX, 4, 1997, 317-329. [Tr. Ger. 1999] [EW]
- “Liberalism and Democracy,” Acta Politica, XXXII, 2, Summer, 1997, 113-127. [Tr. Span. 1998] [EW]
- “Social Science and the Communist Interlude, or Interpretations of Contemporary History,” Polish Sociological Review, No. 1, 1997, 3-12. [EW]
- “Social Science and the Quest for a Just Society,” American Jour¬nal of Sociology, CII, 5, Mar., 1997, 1241-57. [Tr. Pol. 1997] [EW]
- “The Unintended Consequences of Cold War Area Studies,” in N. Chomsky, et al., The Cold War and the University: Toward an Intellectual History of the Postwar Years, New York: New Press, 1997, 2-11. [Tr. Kor. 1998]
- (discussion with Jean Baechler), “L’Avenir du capitalisme,” Revue du MAUSS semestrielle, No. 9, premier semestre, 1997, 13-35.
- “Dimensione dell’economia di mercato,” Quarderni storici, No. 95, XXII, 2, agosto, 1997, 572-575.
- “Le cépalisme et Celso Furtado,” Cahiers du Brésil Contemporain, No. 33/34, 1998, 69-71.
- “Contemporary Capitalist Dilemmas, the Social Sciences, and the Geopolitics of the Twenty-first Century,” Canadian Journal of Sociology, XXIII, 2/3, 1998, 141-158. [Tr. Jap. 1997, 1998]
- “Possible Rationality: A Reply to Archer,” International Sociol¬ogy, XIII, 1, Mar., 1998, 19-21.
- “Time and Duration: The Unexcluded Middle, or Reflections on Braudel and Prigogine,” Thesis Eleven, No. 54, August 1998, 79-87. [Tr. Rus. 1998]
- “The Time of Space and Space of Time: The Future of Social Sci¬ence,” Political Geography, XVII, 1, 1998, 71-82. [Tr. Fr. 1998]
- “The New World Disorder: If the States Collapse, Can the Nations be United?,” in A.J. Paolini, A.P. Jarvis & C. Reus-Smit, Between Sovereignty and Global Governance: The United Nations, the State and Civil Society, London: Macmillan & New York: St. Martin=s Press, 1998, 171-185.
- “Evolution of the Modern World-System,” in G. Preyer, hsgb., Struk¬turelle Evolution und das Weltsystem. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1998, 305-315.
- “SpaceTime as the Basis of Knowledge,” in O. Fals Borda, compi¬ler, People=s Participation: Challenges Ahead. Bogota: Col¬ciencias, 1998, 43-62. [Tr. Span. 1998]
- “The Rise and Future Demise of World-Systems Analysis,” Review, XXI, 1, 1998, 103-112. [EW]
- “Uncertainty and Creativity,” American Behavioral Scientist, XLII, 3, Nov.-Dec. 1998, 320-322. [EW]
- “The Imbrication of Political and Economic Structures Within the Capitalist World-Economy,” in S. Cavaciocchi, a cura di, Potere Economici e Potere Politici, Secc. XIII-XVIII. Firen¬ze: Le Monnier, 1999, 701-710.
- (with Ravi Arvind Palat), “Of What World-System Was Pre-1500 In¬dia a Part?” in S. Chaudhuri & M. Morineau, eds., Merchants, Companies, and Trade: Europe and Asia in the Early Modern Era. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1999, 21-41.
- “Ecology and Capitalist Costs of Production: No Exit,” in W. Goldfrank et al., eds., Ecology and the World-System (West¬port: Greenwood Press, 1999), 3-11. [EW]
- “The Heritage of Sociology, the Promise of Social Science,” Cur¬rent Sociology, XLVII, 1, 1999, 1-37. [Tr. Fr. 1998, 1999; Czech (abridged) 1999; Span. 1999] [EW]
- “Charles V and the Nascent Capitalist World-Economy,” in H. Soly, ed., Charles V, 1500-1558. Antwerp: Mercatorfonds, 1999, 365-391.
- “Frank Proves the European Miracle,” Review, XXII, 3, 1999, 355-371.
- “Islam, the West, and the World,” Journal of Islamic Studies, 10, 2, May, 1999, 109-125. [DAP]
- “Social Sciences in the Twenty-first century,” in A. Kazancigil & D. Makinson, eds., World Social Sciences Report, 1999. Par¬is: Unesco Publ./Elsevier, 1999, 42-49. [Tr. Fr. 2001]
- “States? Sovereignty? The Dilemmas of Capitalists in an Age of Transition,” in David A. Smith, Dorothy J. Solinger and Steven C. Topik, eds., States and Sovereignty in the Global Economy. London: Routledge, 1999, 20-33.
- “From Sociology to Historical Social Science: Prospects and Ob¬stacles,” British Journal of Sociology, LI, 1, Jan./Mar., 2000, 25-35.
- “Globalization or the Age of Transition?: A Long-Term View of the Trajectory of the World-System,” International Sociology, XV, 2, June, 2000, 249-265. [Transl. Rus. 1999; Ital. 2000; Ger. 2000; Dutch 2000; Greek 2000] [DAP]
- “Writing History,” in J. Denolf & B. Simons, eds., (Re)Construct¬ing the Past/Het Verleden als Instrument/Le Passé Composé, Proceedings of a Colloquium on History and Legitimisation, 24-27 February 1999, Brussels, Belgium. Brussel: Carl de Keyzer/Magnum, 2000, 381-393. [Transl. Jap. 2000]
- “The Albatross of Racism,” London Review of Books, XXII, 10, May 18, 2000, 11-14. [Slightly abridged] [Transl. Port. 2000; Swed. 2000; Jap. 2000; Kor. 2000] [Addendum: XXII, 12, 22 June 2000, p. 5] [DAP]
- “Oliver C. Cox as World-Systems Analyst,” in Herbert M. Hunter, ed., The Sociology of Oliver C. Cox: New Perspectives, Research in Race and Ethnic Relations, Vol. 11. Stamford, CT: JAI Press, 173-183.
- “A Left Politics for the 21st Century? or, Theory and Praxis Once Again,” New Political Science, XXII, 2, June, 2000, 143-159. [DAP]
- “For Science, Against Scientism: The Dilemmas of Contemporary Knowledge Production,” in P.N. Mukherji, ed., Methodology in Social Research, Dilemmas and Perspectives: Essays in Honour of Ramkrishna Mukherjee. New Delhi: Sage, 2000, 97-92.
- “Where Should Sociologists Be Heading?,” Contemporary Sociology, XXIX, 2, 2000, 306-308.
- “C’était quoi, le tiers-monde?,” Le Monde diplomatique, 47e an¬née, No. 557, août, 2000, 18-19.
- “The End of Certainties in the Social Sciences,” Scienza e Sto¬ria, No. 13, 2000, 17-29.
- “Braudel and Interscience: A Preacher to Empty Pews?,” Review, XXIV, 1, 2001, 3-12. [Transl. Turk. 2003]
- “Economic History in My Curriculum,” in P. Hudson, ed., Living Economic and Social History. Glasgow: Economic History Soci¬ety, 2001, 420-422.
- “The Future of Inequality,” Hagar: International Social Science Review, II, 1, 2001, 19-23.
- (with Richard E. Lee), “Structures of Knowledge,” in J.R. Blau, ed., The Blackwell Companion to Sociology. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2001, 227-235.
- “Left Politics in an Age of Transition,” Monthly Review, LIII, 8, Jan., 2002, 17-23. [Transl. Ger. 2002; Czech 2002; Span. 2002] [DAP]
- “Opening Remarks: Legal Constraints in the Capitalist World-Econ¬omy,” in M. Likosky, ed., Transnational Legal Processes: Glo¬balisation and Power Disparities. London: Butterworths Lexis Nexis, 2002, 61-64.
- “The Eagle Has Crash Landed,” Foreign Policy, July-August, 2002, 60-68. [Transl. Fr. 2002; Ger. 2002; Greek 2002; Pol. 2002; Port. 2002; Span. 2002; Turk. 2002] [DAP]
- “America and the World: The Twin Towers as Metaphor,” in C. Cal¬houn et al., eds., Understanding September 11. New York: New Press, 2001, 345-360. [Transl. Bulg. 2002; Fr. 2002; Ger. 2002; Kor. 2002; Port. 2002] [DAP]
- “The Itinerary of World-Systems Analysis; or, How to Resist Be¬com¬ing a Theory,” in J. Berger & M. Zelditch, Jr., eds., New Directions in Contemporary Sociological Theory. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002, 358-376.
- “Democracy, Capitalism, and Transformation,” in O. Enwezor, et al., eds., Democracy Unrealized: Documenta 11_Platform 1. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 2002, 96-110. [Transl. Ger. 2002; Rus. 2002] [DAP]
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