The Article List

The following is the list of over 328 articles written by Dr. Wallerstein on a variety of social, political, and economic issues. This list will include downloadable PDF files when they become available.

  1. “La Ghana face au present,” Présence africaine, n.s., XVIII XIX, févr. mai 1958, 184 194. [Trans. Dutch 1957]
  2. “Evolving Patterns of African Society,” in I. Wallerstein et al., The Political Economy of Contemporary Africa, National Institute of Social and Behavioral Science, Symposia Studies Series No. 1, December 1959, 1 7.
  3. “The Search for National Identity in West Africa,” Eng. ed., No. 6/7, 1960, 17 29. [Trans. French, 1960 61]
  4. “Ethnicity and National Integration in West Africa,” Cahiers d’é¬tudes africaines, No. 3, Oct. 1960, 129 39.
  5. “Pan Africanism as Protest,” in M.A. Kaplan, ed., Revolution in World Politics. New York: Wiley 1962, 137 51.
  6. “The Political Ideology of the P.D.G.,” Présence africaine, Eng. ed., Vol. 12, 1st Quarter 1962, 30 41. [Trans. French, 1962]
  7. “L’Unité et la balkanisation de l’A.O.F.,” Etudes congolaises, No. 1, 1962, 36 40.
  8. “Voluntary Associations,” in J.S. Coleman and C.G. Rosberg, Jr., eds., Political Parties and National Integration in Tropical Africa. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1964, 318 39.
  9. “Class, Tribe and Party in West African Politics,” Transactions of the Fifth World Congress of Sociology, Vol. III, 1964, pp. 203 16.
  10. “Elites in French Speaking West Africa: The Social Basis of Ideas,” Journal of Modern African Studies, III, 1, May, 1965, 1 33.
  11. “Migration: The Political Perspective,” in H. Kuper, ed., Ur¬ban¬ization and Migration in West Africa. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1965.
  12. “The Decline of the Party in Single Party Africa States,” in J. La Palombara and M. Weiner, eds., Political Parties and Po¬litical Development. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1966, 201 14.
  13. “The Early Years of the OAU: The Search for Organizational Pre¬eminence,” International Organization, XX, 4, Autumn 1966, 774 87.
  14. (with Terence K. Hopkins), “The Comparative Study of National So¬cieties,” Social Sciences Information, VI, 5, October 1967, 25 58. [Trans. Spanish 1971]
  15. “Class, Tribe, and Party in West African Politics,” in S.M. Lipset and S. Rokkan, eds., Party Systems and Voter Alignments. New York: Free Press, 1967, Ch. XI, 497 518.
  16. “Violence Versus Persuasion as Agents of Social Change,” New World Quarterly, IV, 4, Cropover 1968, 51 54. [Trans. French 1967]
  17. “Frantz Fanon: Reason and Violence,” Berkeley Journal of Sociology, XV, 1970, 222 231.
  18. “The Colonial Era in Africa: Changes in the Social Structure,” in L.H. Gann and Peter Duignan, eds., Colonialism in Africa, 1870 1960, Vol. II: The History and Politics of Colonialism, 1914 1960. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970, 399 421. [AMW]
  19. “The University Crisis: The Transitional and the Chronic,” 2 11 in John M. Whiteley, ed., Students in the University and in Society, Student Personnel Series, No. 13, American College Personnel Association, 1970.
  20. (with Michael Hechter), “Social Rank and Nationalism: Some African Data,” Public Opinion Quarterly, XXIV, 3, Fall 1970, 360 70.
  21. “Introduction” to Philip J. Foster and Aristide Zolberg, eds., Ghana and the Ivory Coast: Perspective on Modernization. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971, 3 8.
  22. “Left and Right in Africa,” Journal of Modern African Studies, IX, 1, Apr. 1971, 1 10.
  23. (with Terence K. Hopkins), “A Proposal for a Data Bank of African Materials,” Social Science Information, X, 2, Apr. 1971, 135 47.
  24. “The State and State Transformation: Will and Possibility,” Politics and Society, I, 3, May 1971, 359 64. [Trans. Italian 1971]
  25. “The Range of Choice: Constraints on the Policies of Governments of Contemporary African Independent States,” in Michael F. Lofchie, ed., The State of Nations. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971, 19 33.
  26. “Academic Freedom and the Collective Expression of Opinion,” Journal of Higher Education, XLII, 9, Dec. 1971, 713 20.
  27. “Radical Intellectuals in a Liberal Society,” in I. Wallerstein and P. Starr, eds., University Crisis Reader, II. New York: Random House, 1971, 471 77.
  28. “L’Organisation des sciences humaines et l’objectivité,” Cahiers internationaux de sociologie, L, 1971, 41 48.
  29. “The Lessons of the PAIGC,” Africa Today, 18, 3, July 1971, 62 68. [Review of Amilcar Cabral, Revolution in Guinea and Gérard Chaliand, Armed Struggle in Africa] [AMW]
  30. “There Is No Such Thing as Sociology,” letter to The American Sociologist, VI, 4, No. 1971, 328.
  31. “Africa Since 1945,” Ch. 98 of John A. Garraty and Peter Gay, eds., The Columbia History of the World (New York: Harper and Row, 1972), 1107 17.
  32. “Social Conflict in Post Independence Black Africa: The Concepts of Race and Status Group Reconsidered,” in Ernest Q. Camp¬bell, ed., Racial Tensions and National Identity. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1972, 207 26. [Trans. Fr. 1971, corrected 1988; German 1990, Greek 1991, Italian 1991, Turk¬ish 1993] [CWE] [RNC]
  33. “Three Paths of National Development in the Sixteenth Century,” Studies in Comparative International Development, VII, 2, Summer 1972, 95 101. [Trans. Hungarian, 1979] [CWE]
  34. “The Two Modes of Ethnic Consciousness: Soviet Central Asia in Transition,” in Edward Allworth, ed., The Nationality Ques¬tion in Soviet Central Asia. New York: Praeger, l973, l68 75. [Trans. Fr. l972] [CWE]
  35. “Class and Class Conflict in Contemporary Africa,” Canadian Jour¬nal of African Studies, VII, 3, l973, 375 80. [Partial trans. German, l983] [CWE]
  36. “Africa in a Capitalist World,” Issue: A Quarterly Journal of Africanist Opinion, III, 3, Fall l973, l ll. [Trans. Hungarian, l98l] [AMW]
  37. “Imperialism and Capitalism: Are the Workers the Most Oppressed Class?” Insurgent Sociologist, III, 2, Winter l973, 25 28. [Trans. Fr. l97l, Sp. 1977]
  38. “Trends in World Capitalism,” Monthly Review, XXVI, l, May l974, l2 l8. [Trans. Ital. l974, Greek l978]
  39. “Dependence in an Interdependent World: The Limited Possibili¬ties of Transformation Within the Capitalist World Economy,” African Studies Review, XVII, l, Apr. l974, l 26. [Trans. French l974, Serbo Croat l982, Korean l983] [CWE]
  40. “The Role of the Organization of African Unity in Contemporary African Politics,” in Yassin El Ayouty & Hugh C. Brooks, eds., Africa and International Organization. The Hague: Nij¬hoff, l974, l8 28.
  41. “The Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System: Con¬cepts for Comparative Analysis,” Comparative Studies in Society & History, XVI, 4, Sept. l974, 387 4l5. [Trans. Sp. l975, Fr. l976, Hungarian l977, Turkish l978, German l979, l983 (partial), Ital. l979, l984; Greek 1999]
  42. “Africa, the United States, and the World Economy: Historical Bases of U.S. Policy,” in Frederick S. Arkhurst, ed., U.S. Policy Toward Africa. New York: Praeger, l975, ll 37. [Trans. Port. l974] [AMW]
  43. “Class Formation in the Capitalist World Economy,” Politics and Society, V, 3, l975, 367 75. [Partial translation, German, l983]
  44. “Disengagement as a Tactic in the Liberation of Southern Africa,” Study Project Strategy Paper No. l6, in Foreign Investment in South Africa The Policy Debate, Study Project on Exter¬nal Investment in South Africa and Namibia (South West Af¬rica), l975, 26 42.
  45. “The Present State of the Debate on World Inequality,” in I. Wal¬lerstein, ed., World Inequality. Montreal: Black Rose Books, l975, 9 28. [French l975; Chinese l985; partial translation, German l983]
  46. “Failed Transitions, or Inevitable Decline of the Leader? The Workings of the Capitalist World Economy,” in Frederick Krantz & Paul M. Hohenberg, eds., Failed Transitions to Mod¬ern Industrial Society: Renaissance Italy and Seventeenth Century Holland. Montreal: Interuniversity Centre for Euro¬pean Studies, l975, 75 80. [French edition also]
  47. “Alternative Development Strategies,” in S.D. Clark, ed., Prob¬lems of Development in Atlantic Canada. Proceedings of Sym¬posium held on l5 l7 April l975. Ottowa: The Royal Society of Canada, 83 89. [Trans. Tamil l976, Sinhalese l976]
  48. Old Problems and New Syntheses: The Relation of Revolutionary Ideas and Practices. Sorokin Lecture Publication No. 4. Saskatoon: Univ. of Saskatchewan, l975. [CWE]
  49. “Inequalities in the World System,” Summation, V, l/2, Summer/Fall l975, l 7.
  50. “The Quality of Life in Different Social Systems: The Model and the Reality,” in C.K. Blong, ed., Systems Thinking and the Quality of Life (Proceedings of the l975 Annual North Amer¬ican Meetings of the Society for General Systems Research, l975), 28 34. [Trans. Serbo Croat, l986] [PWE]
  51. “The Three Stages of African Involvement into the World Economy,” in Peter C.W. Gutkind & Immanuel Wallerstein, eds., Polit¬i¬cal Economy of Contemporary Africa. Vol. I of Sage Series on African Modernization and Development. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, l976, 30 57. [Revised ed., 1985, 35 63] [Trans. Hungarian l978, l98l] [AMW]
  52. “Modernization: Requiescat in Pace,” in L. Coser & O. Larsen, eds., The Uses of Controversy in Sociology. New York: Free Press, l976, l3l 35. [CWE]
  53. “From Feudalism to Capitalism: Transition or Transitions?” So¬cial Forces, 55, 2, Dec. l976, 273 83. [Trans. Hungarian l977, l978, l98l; Dutch l976; Spanish, l978; Italian l986; Polish l988] [CWE]
  54. “The Rural Economy in the Modern World Society,” with “Additional Comments” in Jonathon L. Jenkins, ed., Food and the Rural Economy, Proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Society, Lutheran Church in America, l976, l l9. [CWE]
  55. “Semi peripheral Countries and the Contemporary World Crisis,” Theory and Society, III, 4, Winter l976, 46l 83. [Trans. Sp. l975; Hungarian, l980; Greek, l98l] [CWE]
  56. “A World System Perspective on the Social Sciences,” British Jour¬nal of Sociology, XXVII, 3, Sept. l976, 348 52. [Trans. Hungarian, l980; partial trans. German, l983] [CWE]
  57. “Luanda is Madrid: The World Challenge of Angola,” The Nation, Jan. 3 l0, l976, l2 l7. [AMW]
  58. “Kissinger’s African Mischief,” The Nation, Oct. 9, l976, 328 3l. [AMW]
  59. “American Slavery and the Capitalist World Economy,” American Journal of Sociology, LXXXI, 5, Mar. l976, ll99 l2l3. [Re¬view of Robert W. Fogel & Stanley L. Engerman, Time on the Cross, and Eugene D. Genovese, Roll, Jordan, Roll] [Trans. Fr. l98l] [CWE]
  60. “The Tasks of Historical Social Science: An Editorial,” Review, I, l, Summer l977, 3 7.
  61. (with Terence K. Hopkins et al.), “Patterns of Develoment of the Modern World System,” Review, I, 2, Fall l977, lll 45. [Trans. German l979; Ital. l979; Hungarian l979, l980, Chi¬nese, l985, Japanese 1991] [WSA]
  62. “How Do We Know Class Struggle When We See It?,” Insurgent So¬ciol¬ogist, VII, 2, Spr. l977, l04 06. [Trans. Fr. l983]
  63. “Yankee, Stay Home! South Africa and Liberal Inteventionism,” The Nation, Nov. l2, l977, 489 92. [AMW]
  64. “Civilizations and Modes of Production: Conflicts and Convergen¬ces,” Theory and Society, V, l, l978, l l0. [PWE]
  65. “World Systems Analysis: Theoretical and Interpretative Issues,” in Barbara H. Kaplan, ed., Social Change in the Capitalist World Economy. Beverly Hills: Sage, l978, 2l9 35. [Trans. Chinese, l985] [WSA]
  66. (with John Frank Stephens), “Libraries and Our Civilizations,” a report prepared for the Governor of the State of New York, June l978.
  67. (with K.P. Moseley), “Precapitalist Social Structures,” Annual Review of Sociology, IV, l978, 259 90.
  68. “Annales as Resistance,” Review, I, 3/4, Winter/Spring l978, 5 7.
  69. “Class Conflict in the Capitalist World-Economy,” in The Capita¬list World-Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1979, 283-293. [Trans. Fr. 1988, German 1990, Greek 1991, Italian 1991, Turkish 1993] [CWE] [RNC]
  70. “Underdevelopment and Phase B: Effect of the Seventeenth Century Stagnation on Core and Periphery of the European World Econ¬omy,” in Walter Goldfrank, ed., The World System of Capita¬lism, Past and Present. Beverly Hills: Sage, l979, 73 83. (Also: “Crisis of the Seventeenth Century, New Left Review, l978). [Trans. Ital. l978, Sp. l979, German l98l, Jap. l984]
  71. “The Ottoman Empire and the Capitalist World Economy: Some Ques¬tions for Research,” Review, II, 3, Win. l979, 389 98.
  72. (with T.K. Hopkins et al.), Research Working Group on Cyclical Rhythms & Secular Trends, “Cyclical Rhythms & Secular Trends of the Capitalist World Economy: Some Premises, Hypotheses, and Questions,” Review, II, 4, Spr. l979, 483 500. [Trans. German l98l; Jap. l984, 1991; Chinese l985] [WSA]
  73. (with William G. Martin), “Peripheralization of South Africa: Changes in Household Structure and Labor Force Formation,” Review, III, 2, Fall l979, l93 207. [AMW]
  74. “(An Essay Review:) Kondratieff Up or Kondratieff Down?” Review, II, 4, Spr. l979, 663 73 [Important typo, p. 664] [Trans. Jap. l984, 1991]
  75. “Incorporation and Peripheralization: Two Concepts as a Frame¬work of Analysis,” Research Bulletin, Southern Africa and the World Economy, No. l, Aug. l979, 2 5.
  76. “World Networks and the Politics of the World-Economy,” in A.H. Hawley, ed., Societal Growth: Processes and Implications, New York: Free Press, 1979, 269-78. [Tr. Japanese 1991, Turkish 1992] [PWE]
  77. “The Future of the World Economy,” in Terence K. Hopkins & Imman¬uel Wallerstein, eds., Processes of the World System. Bever¬ly Hills: Sage, l980, l67 80. [Trans. Ital. l979, Sp. l980, Dutch l980, German l979, l983] [PWE]
  78. “One Man’s Meat: The Scottish Great Leap Forward,” Review, III, 4, Spr. l980, 63l 40.
  79. “Imperialism and Development,” in Albert Bergesen, ed., Studies of the Modern World System. New York: Academic Press, l980, l3 23.
  80. “Development: Theories, Research Designs and Empirical Meas¬ures,” in L. Blussé et al., History and Underdevelopment. Leiden: Centre for the Study of European Expansion, l980, 2l 28. [Itinerario, No. l, l980]
  81. “The Annales School: The War on Two Fronts,” Annals of Scholar¬ship, I, 3, Sum. l980, 85 9l.
  82. “Friends as Foes,” Foreign Policy, No. 40, Fall l980, ll9 3l. [PWE]
  83. “The States in the Institutional Vortex of the Capitalist World Economy,’ International Social Science Journal, XXXII, 4, l980, 743 5l. [Fr., Sp. editions also] [PWE]
  84. “The Withering Away of the States,” International Journal of the Sociology of Law, VIII, 4, Nov. l980, 369 78. [PWE]
  85. “Eurocommunism: Its Roots in European Working Class History,” Contemporary Marxism, No. 2, Winter l980, l 7. [PWE]
  86. “Maps, Maps, Maps” Radical History Review, No. 24, Fall l980, l54 59. [Review of G. Barraclough, ed., The Times Atlas of World History]
  87. “Concepts in the Social Sciences: Problems of Translation,” in Marilyn Gaddis Rose, ed., Translation Spectrum: Essays in Theory and Practice. Albany: SUNY Press, l98l, 88 98.
  88. “Patterns and Prospectives of the Capitalist World Economy,” HSDRSCA 74/UNUP 300, HSDP SCA Series, l98l. [Trans. Fr. l984, l985; Sp. l983, Serbo Croat l980] [PWE]
  89. (with Terence K. Hopkins), “Structural Transformations of the World Economy,” in Richard Rubinson, ed., Dynamics of World Development. Beverly Hills: Sage, l98l, 233 6l. [WSA]
  90. (with Resat Kasaba), “Incorporation into the World Economy: Chan¬ges in the Structure of the Ottoman Empire,” l750 l839,” METU Studies in Development (Odtü Gelisme Dergisi), VIII, l/2, l98l, 537 70.
  91. “The U.S.A. in Today’s World,” Contemporary Marxism, No. 4, Win. l98l 82, ll l7. [Trans. Sp. l984] [PWE]
  92. (Contribution to) Towards One World? International Responses to the Brandt Report. London: Temple Smith, l98l, 343 49. [Trans. Sp. l983, German l983, Turkish 1993] [GPG]
  93. “The Development of the Modern World System in the Long Sixteenth Century Basic Concepts,” in Jürgen Schneider, hrsg., Wirt¬schaftskräfte und Wirtschaftswege. Stuttgart: Klein Cotta, l98l, V, 229 35.
  94. “Spazio economico,” Enciclopedia Einaudi, XIII: Società Tecnica. Torino: Einaudi, l98l, 304 l4.
  95. “Race is Class? Some Reflections on South Africa Inspired by Magubane,” Monthly Review, XXXII, l0, Mar. l98l, 47 52. [Review essay of Bernard Magubane, The Political Economy of Race and Class in South Africa] [AMW]
  96. (with William G. Martin & Torry Dickinson), “Household Structures and Production Processes: Preliminary Theses and Findings,” Review, V, 3, Win. l982, 437 58.
  97. “Revolutionary Movements in the Era of U.S. Hegemony and After,” Contemporary Marxism, No. 5, Summer l982, l20 28. [Trans. Ital. l982 (partial); Sp. l982 (partial); Port. l986] [PWE]
  98. “Socialist States: Mercantilist Strategies and Revolutionary Ob¬jectives,” in Edward Friedman, ed., Ascent and Decline in the World System. Beverly Hills: Sage, l982, 289 300. [PWE]
  99. “Economic Theories and Historical Disparities of Development,” in Eighth International Economic History, Budapest l982, J. Koc¬ka & G. Ránki, eds., Bl: Economic Theory & History. Buda¬pest: Akadémiai Kiadó, l982, l7 26. [Trans. Swedish l982, Serbo Croat l986]
  100. “North Atlanticism in Decline,” SAIS Review, No. 4, Summer l982, 2l 26. [Tr. Turkish 1993] [GPG]
  101. “Fernand Braudel, Historian, homme de la conjoncture,” Radical History Review, 26, l982, l05 ll9. [Trans. Ital. l980, Sp. l983, Fr. l988]
  102. “L’histoire comme actualité. A partir de Braudel,” [on Civilisa¬tion matérielle, Economie, et Capitalisme], Politique au¬jourd’hui, No. l 2, l982, l2l 23. [Trans. Turkish, l986]
  103. “The Integration of the National Liberation Movement in the Field of International Liberation,” Contemporary Marxism, No. 6, Spring l983, l66 7l. [Trans. Fr. l983 l984, l987, Port. l984] [AMW]
  104. “Capitalism and the World Working Class: Some Premises and Some Issues for Research and Analysis,” in I. Wallerstein, ed., Labor and the World Social Structure, l7 2l.
  105. “Crises: The World Economy, the Movements, and the Ideologies,” in Albert Bergesen, ed., Crises in the World System, Beverly Hills: Sage, l983, 2l 36.
  106. “The Evolving Role of the Africa Scholar in African Studies,” Canadian Journal of African Studies, XVII, l, Apr. l983, 9 l6. [AMW]
  107. “Nationalism and the World Transition to Socialism: Is There a Crisis?” Third World Quarterly, V, l, Jan. l983, 95 l02. [PWE]
  108. “European Economic Development: A Comment on O’Brien,” Economic History Review, 2nd ser., XXXVI, 4, Nov. l983, 580 83. [Re¬sponse to O’Brien, EHR, XXV, l982, l l8; Reply by O’Brien, EHR, XXXVI, l983, 584 85].
  109. (with Giovanni Arrighi & Terence K. Hopkins), “Rethinking the Concepts of Class and Status Group in a World System Per¬spec¬tive,” Review, VI, 3, Win. l983, 283 304. [Reprinted l985] [ASM]
  110. “An Agenda for World Systems Analysis,” in William R. Thompson, ed., Contending Approaches to World System Analysis, Beverly Hills: Sage, l983, 299 308.
  111. (with Resat Kasaba), “Incorporation into the World Economy: Change in the Structure of the Ottoman Empire, l750 l889,” in J. L. Bacqué Grammont & P. Dumont, dir., Economies et so¬ciétés dans l’Empire ottoman (fin du XVIIIe début du XIXe siècle), Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg, l 5 juil. l980, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, No. 60l. Paris: Ed. du CNRS, l983, 335 354.
  112. “The Three Instances of Hegemony in the History of the Capitalist World Economy,” International Journal of Comparative Sociol¬ogy, XXIV, l 2, Jan. Apr. l983, l00 l08. [Trans. Serbo Croat l986] [PWE]
  113. (with Giovanni Arrighi), “What Difference Do Socialist Govern¬ments in Southern Europe Make? Some Notes for a Discus¬sion,” Peuples méditerranéens, No. 25, oct. déc. l983, l3l 36.
  114. “Household Structures and Labor Force Formation in the Capitalist World Economy,” in Joan Smith, Immanuel Wallerstein, and Hans Dieter Evers, eds., Households and the World Economy. Beverly Hills: Sage, l984, l7 22. [Trans. Fr. l988, German 1990, Greek 1991, Italian 1991, Turkish 1993] [RNC]
  115. “Cities in Socialist Theory and Capitalist Praxis,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, VIII, l, Mar. l984, 64 72.
  116. “Long Waves as Capitalist Process,” Review, VII, 4, Spr. l984, 559 75. [Trans. Sp. l985, Japanese 1991]
  117. “Which Historical Present for Which Historical Future?” Cencras¬tus, No. l7, Sum. l984, 3 5.
  118. “The Development of the Concept of Development,” in R. Collins, ed., Sociological Theory, l984. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, l984, l02 l6. [Trans. Fr. l982] [PWE]
  119. “Economic Cycles and Socialist Politics,” Futures, XVI, 6, Dec. l984, 579 85. [Trans. Port. l984]
  120. “Marx and History: Fruitful and Unfruitful Emphases,” Thesis XI, No. 8, Jan. l984, 92 l0l. [Trans. Fr. l983, corrected 1988; Ital. l984, 1991, Sp. l983, German 1990, Greek 1991, Turkish 1993] [RNC]
  121. “Africa, One Hundred Years After the Berlin Conference,” Africa Research & Publications Project, Working Papers No. 9, l984. [Trans. German, l984] [AMW]
  122. “Africa and the World System: How Much Change Since Indepen¬dence?” in G.M. Carter & P. O’Meara, eds., African Indepen¬dence: The First Twenty Five Years. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, l985, 330 38.
  123. “The Relevance of the Concept of Semiperiphery to the Analysis of Southern Europe,” in Giovanni Arrighi, ed., Semiperipheral Development: The Politics of Southern Europe in the Twenti¬eth Century. Beverly Hills: Sage, l985, 3l 39. [Trans. Ital. l984]
  124. (with Peter D. Phillips), “National and World Identities and the Interstate System,” Millenium, XIV, 2, Sum. l985, l59 7l. [Tr. Turkish 1992] [GPG]
  125. “Marx and Underdevelopment,” in S. Resnick & R. Wolff, eds., Re¬thinking Marxism: Struggles in Marxist Theory Essays for Harry Magdoff & Paul Sweezy. Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia, l985, 379 395. [Trans. Ital. l983, l986; Fr. l987; German 1992, Hungarian 1997]
  126. “World Systems Analysis: Five Questions in Search of a New Con¬sensus,” The History Teacher, XVIII, 4, Aug. l985, 527 32.
  127. “Vers une recomposition des sciences sociales,” EspacesTemps, No. 29, l985, 36 42.
  128. Map 35: “Africa in World Trade, c. l600,” in J.F. Ade Ajayi & M. Crowder, gen. eds., Historical Atlas of Africa. London: Longman, l985.
  129. “Braudel on Capitalism and the Market,” Monthly Review, XXXVII, 9, Feb. l986, ll l6. [Trans. Port. l987; French orig. l986; Chinese 2000]
  130. “Societal Development, or Development of the World System?” In¬ternational Sociology, I, l, Mar. l986, 3 l7. [Trans. German l984]
  131. “Marxisms as Utopias: Evolving Ideologies,” American Journal of Sociology, XCI, 6, May l986, l295 l308. [Trans. Flemish l988]
  132. “World System and Civilization,” Development, l/2, l986, ll4 l9. [Trans. Dutch l984, Italian l985, Turkish 1993] [GPG]
  133. “Walter Rodney: The Historian as Spokesman for Historical For¬ces,” American Ethnologist, XIII, 2, May l986, 330 37.
  134. (with T.K. Hopkins), “Comparing Downturns: Some Questions of Me¬thod,” Cahier du GEMDEV, No. 7, mars l986, 7 2l.
  135. (with G. Arrighi, T.K. Hopkins), “Dilemmas of Antisystemic Move¬ments,” Social Research, LIII, l, Spring l986, l85 206. [ASM]
  136. (with T.K. Hopkins), “Commodity Chains in the World Economy Prior to l800,” Review, X, l, Sum. l986, l57 70.
  137. “Who Wants Still More Development?” Contemporary Marxism, Nos. l2/l3, Spr. l986, 225 229. [Trans. Greek, l983]
  138. “The Hidden Issues: A New Agenda,” in S. Lindenberg, J.S. Cole¬man, & S. Nowak, eds., Approaches to Social Theory. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, l986, 29 32 (and discussion: 33 37).
  139. “The Industrial Revolution: Cui Bono?” Thesis Eleven, No. l3, l986, 67 76. [Trans. Port. l982; Fr. orig. l983]
  140. “La dyade analyste analysé dans son contexte social,” Cahiers du Centre de Psychanalyse et de Psychothérapie, No. l2, prin¬temps l986, 37 45.
  141. “La lutte du R.D.A. dans le contexte du système monde après l945,” in Actes du Colloque international sur l’histoire du R.D.A., Yamoussoukro, l8 25 octobre l986. Abidjan: CEDA, l987, I, ll l4.
  142. “Mills as Biography,” Theory and Society, XV, l986, 465 74. [Re¬view of Irving Louis Horowitz, C. Wright Mills: An American Utopian]
  143. (with G. Arrighi, T.K. Hopkins), “Liberation of Class Struggle? Review, X, 3, Win. l987, 403 24. [Trans. Serbo Croat, l988] [ASM]
  144. “Historical Systems as Complex Systems,” in P.M. Allen, W.C. Schieve, & R.N. Adams, eds., “Special Issue: Modelling Com¬plex Systems, I,” European Journal of Operational Research, XXX, 2, June l987, 203 07. [Tr. Russian 1998]
  145. “World Systems Analysis,” in A. Giddens & J. Turner, eds., Social Theory Today. Cambridge: Polity Press, l987, 309 24. [Tr. Spanish 1990; Italian 1992; Japanese 1993; Korean 1994; Ger¬man 1995; French 1995; Russian 1998]
  146. “Some Reflections on the Future of Ottoman Studies,” in B. Lewis et al., Raiyyet Rüsûmu: Halil Inalcik Festschrift, Journal of Turkish Studies, XI, l987, 235 37.
  147. “The United States and the World ‘Crisis,'” in Terry Boswell & Al¬bert Bergesen, eds., America’s Changing Role in the World System. New York: Praeger, l987, l7 23. [Trans. Fr. l984; Sp. l986].
  148. “Japan and the Future Trajectory of the World System: Lessons from History?” in Wolfram F. Hanrieder, ed., Global Peace and Security: Trends and Challenges. Boulder, CO: Westview, l987, 36 46. [Trans. Italian l986, Japanese l986, Turkish 1992] [GPG]
  149. “The Construction of Peoplehood: Racism, Nationalism, Ethnicity,” Sociological Forum, II, 2, Spr. l987, 373 88. [Trans. French l987, corrected version l988; German 1990, Greek 1991, Ital¬ian 1991, Turkish 1993, Chinese 1998] [RNC]
  150. “Periphery” in J. Eatwell, M. Milgate & P. Newman, eds., The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics. London: Macmillan, l987, III: 846 49.
  151. (with Hale Decdeli & Resat Kasaba), “The Incorporation of the Ot¬toman Empire in the World Economy,” in H. Islamoglu Inan, ed., The Ottoman Empire and the World Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, l987, 88 97. [Trans. Turkish, l983; German, l985]
  152. (with T.K. Hopkins), “Capitalism and the Incorporation of New Zones into the World Economy,” Review, X, 5/6 (Suppl.), Sum/Fall l987, 763 79.
  153. “The Reagan Non Revolution, or the Limited Choices of the US,” Millenium: Journal of International Studies, XVI, 3, Winter l987, 467 472A. [Repr. version corrects orig. publication] [Tr. Turkish 1993] [GPG]
  154. “The Incorporation of the Indian Subcontinent into the Capitalist World Economy,” in S. Chandra, ed., The Indian Ocean: Ex¬plor¬ations in History, Commerce & Politics. New Delhi: Sage, 222 53.
  155. “The World That Sugar Made,” review of Sidney Mintz, Sweetness and Power, in Food and Foodways, II, 2, l987, l09 l2.
  156. “Should We Unthink the Nineteenth Century?” in Francisco O. Rami¬rez, ed., Rethinking the Nineteenth Century. New York: Greenwood Press, l988, l85 9l. [Trans. Fr., l988; Sp. l988, Polish 1993]
  157. “European Unity and Its Implications for the Interstate System,” in B. Hettne, ed., Europe: Dimensions of Peace. London: Zed Books & United Nations University, l988, 27 38. [Tr. Turkish 1992] [GPG]
  158. “What Can One Mean by Southern Culture?,” in N.M. Bartley, ed., The Evolution of Southern Culture. Athens: Univ. of Georgia Press, l988, l l3. [Tr. Turkish 1993] [GPG]
  159. “The Bourgeois(ie) as Concept and Reality,” New Left Review, No. l67, Jan. Feb. l988, 9l l06. [Trans. Fr. l988, Greek 1991, Italian 1991, Sp. l988, Turkish l989] [RNC]
  160. “Comments on Stern’s Critical Tests,” American Historical Review, XCIII, 4, Oct. l988, 873 85. [Answer to Stern, same issue, 829 72; answer by Stern, same issue, 886 97]
  161. “Development: Lodestar or Illusion?” Economic and Political Week¬ly, XXIII, 39, Sept. 24, l988, 20l7 23. [Transl. Chinese 2000]
  162. “Typology of Crises in the World System,” Review, XI, 4, Fall l988, 58l 98. [Trans. Flemish, l986; German, l986; Ital. l987; Korean 1992, Turkish 1993] [GPG]
  163. “The Ideological Tensions of Capitalism: Universalism versus Ra¬cism and Sexism,” in J. Smith et al., Racism, Sexism, and the World System. New York: Greenwood Press, l988, 3 9. [Trans. Fr. l988, Flemish l989, German 1990, Greek 1991, Italian 1991] [RNC]
  164. “The Inventions of TimeSpace Realities: Towards an Understanding of Our Historical Systems,” Geography, LXIII, 4, No. 32l, Oct. l988, 289 97.
  165. “The ‘Discoveries’ and Human Progress,” in Estudos e ensaios: Em homanagem a Vitorino Magalhaes Godinho. Lisboa: Livr. Sá da Costa Ed., l988, l03 l4.
  166. “A Comment on Epistemology: What is Africa Canadian Journal of African Studies, XXII, 2, l988, 33l 33.
  167. “Les dilemmes du capitalisme,” in M. Vovelle, dir., L’Etat de la France pendant la Révolution, l789 l799. Paris: Ed. La Dé¬couverte, l988, 2l 25.
  168. “Réflexions à partir de Fernand Braudel,” L’Evénement européen, No. 2: “La question méditerranéenne,” l988, l47 52.
  169. “The French Revolution as a World Historical Event,” Social Re¬search, LVI, l, Spr. l989, 33 52. [Reprinted in F. Fehér, The French Revolution and the Birth of Modernity, 1990] [Trans. Fr. l990]
  170. (with Giovanni Arrighi & Caglar Keyder), “Southern Europe in the World Economy in the Twentieth Century: Implications for Political and Social Transformations,” in M.T. Martin & T.R. Kandal, eds., Studies of Development and Change in the Mod¬ern World. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, l989, 409 l7.
  171. “France: A Special Case? A World Systems Perspective,” in E. Gen¬ovese & L. Hochberg, eds., Geographic Perspectives in History. New York: Basil Blackwell, l989, l44 57.
  172. “The Myrdal Legacy: Racism and Underdevelopment as Dilemmas,” Cooperation and Conflict, XXIV, l, l989, l l8.
  173. “Quels sont les sentiers de l’espoir?” in S. Mappa, dir., La C.E.E.: Chance ou contrainte pour la transformation sociale? Paris: Ed. L’Harmattan, l989, l07 l2. [Trans. Greek, l988]
  174. “‘Bourgeoisie’ et ‘prolétariat,'” in S. Cordellier, coord., L’E¬tat du Tiers Monde, Ed. l989. Paris: La Découverte, l989, p. l75.
  175. (with Giovanni Arrighi & Terence K. Hopkins), “l886 l986: Beyond Haymarket?” Review, XII, 2, Spr. l989. [ASM]
  176. (with G. Arrighi & T.K. Hopkins), “l968: The Great Rehearsal,” in T. Boswell, ed., Revolution in the World System. New York: Greenwood Press, l989, l9 3l. [ASM]
  177. “The Capitalist World Economy: Middle Run Prospects,” Alterna¬tives, XIV, 3, July l989, 279 88. [Trans. Fr. l989, Hung. l989, Chinese l989, Turkish 1993] [GPG]
  178. “l968, Revolution in the World System: Theses and Queries,” The¬ory and Society, XVIII, 4, July l989, 43l 49. [Trans. Fr. l989, Spanish l989, Turkish 1993] [GPG]
  179. “Africa and the world economy,” in General History of Africa, Vol. VI: J.F. Ade Ajayi, ed., Africa in the Nineteenth Cen¬tury until the l880s. Paris: Unesco, l989, 23 39.
  180. “Culture as the Ideological Battleground of the Modern World Sys¬tem,” Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies, XXI, l, Aug. l989, 5 22. [Trans. Swedish l988, Finnish l988, Turkish 1993] [GPG]
  181. “Peace and War in the Modern World System,” L.R. Forcey, ed., Peace: Meanings, Politics, Strategies, New York: Praeger, l989, l37 l45.
  182. “Economic Determinism without Economic Dynamics,” review of Paul Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from l500 2000, in British Journal of Sociology, XL, 2, June l989, 335 340.
  183. “Afterword” to Warren Wagar, A Short History of the Future. Chi¬cago: Univ. of Chicago Press, l989, 295 296. [Trans. Sp. 1991]
  184. “World Systems Analysis: The Second Phase,” Review, XIII, 2, Spr. l990, 287 293.
  185. “Marx, Marxism Leninism, and Socialist Experiences in the Modern World System,” Economic Review, XVI, 3, June l990, 5 7, 25 28. [Trans. German l990, Flemish l990, Turkish 1993] [GPG]
  186. “Europe’s Possibilities,” in Riccardo Parboni (l945 l988): In Me¬moriam, Univ. degli Studi di Modena, Studi e Richerche del Dipartimento di Economia Politica, No. 55, l990, 25 3l.
  187. (with Joan Smith), “Households as an Institution of the World Econ¬omy,” in J. Sprey, ed., Fashioning Family Theory: New Approaches. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, l990, 34 50. [Also in R.L. Blumberg, ed., Gender, Family, and Economy, Sage, 1991, 225-42]
  188. “The Renewed Concern with Civilization(s?),” Thesis Eleven, No. 25. l990, l07 ll3. [Tr. Turkish 1993] [GPG]
  189. “Culture is the World System: A Reply to Boyne,” Theory, Culture & Society, VII, 2 3, June l990, 63 65. [Boyne, ibid., 57 62] [Journal issue reprinted in toto as book: Mike Featherstone, ed., Global Culture: Nationalism, Globalization and Moderni¬ty. London: Sage, l990]
  190. “A Theory of Economic History in Place of Economic Theory?” in Herman Van der Wee, ed., Studies in Social and Economic His¬tory, Vol. l5: Erik Aerts, Thomas Kuczynski, & Vladimir Vi¬no¬gradov, eds., Methodological Problems. Leuven: Leuven Univ. Press, l990, 4l 50. [Also in Revue économique, XLII, 2, mar. 1991, 173-80]
  191. (with William G. Martin), “Southern Africa in the World Economy, l870 2000: Strategic Problems in World Historical Perspec¬tive,” in T. Melasuo, ed., National Movements and World Peace. Aldershot, UK: Avebury, l990. [Trans. Port. l986]
  192. “Sociology for Undergraduates: Social Systems as World-Systems, World-Systems as Historical Systems,” in S. Groennings & D.S. Wiley, eds., Group Portrait: Internationalizing the Disciplines. New York: American Forum, 1990, 196-200.
  193. “World-Systems Analysis and Historical Particularity: Some Com¬ments,” in Sugata Bose, ed., South Asia and World Capita¬lism. Delhi: Oxford Univ. Press, 1990, 21-26.
  194. “Beyond Annales?,” Radical History Review, 49, Win. 1991, 7-15. [Tr. Russian 1993, Sp. 1993]
  195. “Braudel on Capitalism, or Everything Upside Down,” Journal of Modern History, LXIII, 2, June 1991, 354-361. [Tr. Italian 1992; Spanish 1993; Chinses 2000] [USS]
  196. “Capitalist Markets: Theory and Reality,” Social Science Informa¬tion, XXX, 3, Sept. 1991, 371-379. [Transl. Chinese 2000]
  197. “The Cold War and the Third World: The Good Old Days?,” Economic and Political Weekly, XXVI, 17, Apr. 27, 1991, 1103-1106. [AL] [Transl. Arabic 1999]
  198. “Does India Exist?,” in Unthinking Social Science. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991, 130-134. [Tr. Jap. 1988] [USS]
  199. “The Lessons of the 1980’s,” in Geopolitics and Geoculture. Cam¬bridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1991, 1-15. [Transl. Japanese 1992, Korean 1992, Sp. 1992, Turkish 1992] [GPG]
  200. “Le Marxisme-Leninism est mort–Vive quoi?,” in J. Bidet et J. Texier, dir., Fin du Communisme? Actualité du Marxisme? Paris: Presses Univ. de France, 1991, 153-163.
  201. “Le monde méditerranéen à l’époque post-guerre froide,” in C. Rey¬naud & A. Sid Ahmed, dir., L’avenir de l’espace méditer¬ra¬néen. Paris: Ed. Publisud, 1991, 53-63.
  202. “The National and the Universal: Can There Be Such a Thing as World Culture?” in A.D. King, Culture, Globalization and the World-System: Current Debates in Art History, 3 ed., Bing¬hamton: Dept. of Art and Art History, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1991. [Tr. Ital. 1989, Sp. 1989, Fr. 1990, Turkish 1993] [GPG]
  203. “La recomposition perpetuelle des frontières culturelles perçues: L’Europe central à l’aune d’aujourd’hui,” in G. Beauprêtre, réd., L’Europe central. Réalité, mythe, enjeu, XVIIIe-XXe siècles. Les Cahiers de Varsovie, No. 22, Warszawa: Ed. de l’Univ. de Varsovie, 1991, 61-65.
  204. “Report on an Intellectual Project: The Fernand Braudel Center, 1976-1991,” Binghamton, NY: Fernand Braudel Center, Sept. 1991.
  205. “World System versus World-Systems: A Critique,” Critique of An¬thropology, XI, 2, 1991, 189-194. [Tr. Fr.]
  206. (with Giovanni Arrighi & Terence K. Hopkins), “1989, The Continu¬ation of 1968,” Review, XV, 2, Mar. 1992, 221-242. [Tr. Ital. 1992, Jap. 1992, Sp. 1993]
  207. “America and the World: Today, Yesterday, and Tomorrow,” Theory and Society, XXI, 1, Feb. 1992, 1-28. [Trans. Fr. 1991, Turkish 1992] [AL]
  208. “The Challenge of Maturity: Whither Social Science?,” Review, XV, 1, Dec. 1992, 1-7. [Tr. Turkish 1993]
  209. “The Collapse of Liberalism,” in R. Miliband & L. Panitch, eds., Socialist register 1992: New World Order? London: Merlin, 1992, 96-110. [Tr. Sp. 1993; Swedish 1993] [AL]
  210. “Europe and the World-Economy: The Problems of the Next 50 Years,” in B. Bremer, ed., Europe by Nature: Starting Points for Sustainable Development. Assen: Conspectus Europae/Van Gorcum, 1992, 21-28.
  211. “The Persian Gulf War: What Gain for the United States?,” Poly¬graph, No. 5, 1992, 38-45. [Trans. Japanese 1991]
  212. “The Concept of National Development, 1917-1989: Elegy and Requi¬em,” in G. Marks & L. Diamond, eds., Reexamining Democracy: Essays in Honor of Seymour Martin Lipset. Newbury Park: Sage, 1992, 79-88. [Also American Behavioral Scientist, XXV, 4-5, Mar. 1992, 517-29] [Tr. Fr. 1993; Port. 1993] [AL]
  213. (with Aníbal Quijano), “Americanity as a Concept, or the Americas in the Modern World-System,” International Social Science Journal, No. 134, Nov., 1992, 549-557. [Tr. Fr. 1992, Sp. 1992]
  214. “A Brief Agenda for the Future of Long Waves Research,” in Alfred Kleinknecht, Ernest Mandel & Immanuel Wallerstein, eds., New Findings in Long-Wave Research. London: Macmillan, 1992, 339-342.
  215. “Capitalist Civilization,” Wei Lun Lecture Series II, Chinese Uni¬versity Bulletin, Supplement 23, 1992, 5-26. [Tr. Chinese 1992, Korean 1993]
  216. “Liberalism and the Legitimation of Nation-States: An Historical Interpretation,” Social Justice, XIX, 1, Spr., 1992, 22-33. [AL]
  217. “Marxism After the Collapse of the Communisms,” Economic Review, XVII, 11/12, Feb./Mar. 1992, 2-3, 34-36. [AL] [Tr. Fr. 1992]
  218. “Post-America and the Collapse of the Communisms,” Rethinking Marxism, V, 1, Spr. 1992, 93-100. [Tr. German 1991, Japanese 1991]
  219. “The West, Capitalism, and the Modern World-System,” Review, XV, 4, Fall 1992, 561-619. [Tr. Fr. 1990, German 1990]
  220. “Creación del sistema mundial moderno,” in VV. AA., Un mundo ja¬más imaginado, 1492-1992. Bogotá: Ed. Santillana, 1992, 201-209.
  221. Review of Janet L. Abu-Lughod, Before European Hegemony, in In¬ternational Journal of Middle East Studies, XXIV, 1, Feb. 1992, 128-131.
  222. “The World-System After the Cold War,” Journal of Peace Research, XXX, 1, Feb. 1993, 1-6. [Tr. German 1992, Japanese 1992]
  223. “Foes as Friends?,” Foreign Policy, No. 90, Spr. 1993, 145-157.
  224. “Geopolitical Strategies of the U.S. in a Post-American World,” in K. Nordenstreng & H.I. Schiller, eds., Beyond National Sovereignty: International Communication in the 1990s. Nor¬wood, NJ: Ablex, 1993, 59-63. [Tr. German 1992]
  225. “The TimeSpace of World-Systems Analysis: A Philosophical Essay,” Historical Geography, XXIII, 1/2, 1993, 5-22.
  226. “L’Afrique australe dans le contexte du système-monde depuis 1945,” in J.T. Omasombo, dir., Le Zaire à l’épreuve de l’his¬toire immédiate. Hommage à Benoît Verhaegen. Paris: Ed. Karthala, 1993, 47-54.
  227. “Wise, But Not Tough, or is it Correct, But Not Wise?,” in the South Centre, Facing the Challenge: Responses to the Report of the South Commission. London: Zed Press, 1993, 117-121.
  228. “Le système-monde et son devenir: Thèses sur sa structure et sa trajectoire actuelle,” Cahier du Gemdev, No. 20, “Points de vue sur le système monde,” mai, 1993, 172-181.
  229. “The Geoculture of Development, or the Transformation of our Geo¬culture?,” Asian Perspective, XVII, 2, Fall-Winter, 1993, 211-225. [AL]
  230. (with Terence K. Hopkins), “Commodity Chains: Construct and Re¬search,” in G. Gereffi & M. Korzeniewicz, eds., Commodity Chains and Global Capitalism. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1993, 17-20.
  231. “Peace, Stability, and Legitimacy: 1990-2025/2050,” in G. Lunde¬stad, ed., The Fall of Great Powers: Peace, Stability, and Legitimacy. Oslo: Scandinavian Univ. Press, 1994, 331-349. [AL]
  232. “The Agonies of Liberalism: What Hope Progress?” New Left Review, No. 204, Mar.-Apr. 1994, 3-17. [AL] [Tr. Spanish 1994]
  233. “Revolution as Tactics and Strategy of Transformation,” in A. Callari, et al., Marxism in Postmodern Age. New York: Guil¬ford Publ., 1995, 223-230. [AL] [Tr. French 1997]
  234. “Neither Patriotism, Nor Cosmopolitanism,” Boston Review, XIX, 5, Oct./Nov., 1994, 15-16.
  235. “Hold the Tiller Firm: On Method and the Unit of Analysis,” in S. Sanderson, ed., Civilizations and World Systems. Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira, 1995, 239-247. (Also Comparative Civ¬ilization Review, No. 30, Spring 1994, 54-55.)
  236. “Africa in the Shuffle,” Issue, XXIII, 1, Win.-Spr. 1995, 22-23.
  237. “Declining States, Declining Rights” [Response to Charles Til¬ly],” International Labor and Working-Class History, No. 47, Spr. 1995, 24-27.
  238. “La violence et l’économie-monde capitaliste,” Lignes, No. 25, mai 1995, 48-56.
  239. “Les sciences sociales battent de l’aile. Quel phénix en re¬naîtra?,” Cahiers de recherche sociologique, No. 24, 1995, 209-222.
  240. “What Hope Africa? What Hope the World?,” in A.O. Olukoshi & L. Wohgemuth, eds., A Road to Development. Africa in the 21st Century. Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 1995, 68-84. [AL]
  241. “The End of What Modernity?” Theory and Society, XXIV, 4, Aug. 1995, 471-88. [AL] [Tr. Port. 1997]
  242. “Evolution of the Modern World-System,” Protosoziologie, VII, 1995, 4-10.
  243. “The Insurmountable Contradictions of Liberalism: Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples in the Geoculture of the Modern World-System,” South Atlantic Quarterly, XCIV, 4, FAll 1995, 1161-1178. [AL] [Transl. Ital. 1999]
  244. “History in Search of Science,” Review, XIX, 1, Winter 1996, 11-22. [Tr. Polish, 1995, German 1998]
  245. “Open the Social Sciences,” Items, L, 1, Mar. 1996, 1-7.
  246. “Social Science & Contemporary Society: Vanishing Guarantees of Rationality,” International Sociology, XI, 1, Mar. 1996, 7-25. [Tr. Fr. 1998][EW]
  247. “Underdevelopment and Its Remedies,” in S.C. Chew & R.A. Dene¬mark, eds., The Underdevelopment of Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1996, 355-61.
  248. “Scholarly Concepts: Translation or Interpretation,” in M.G. Rose, ed., Translation Horizons: Beyond the Boundaries of Translation Spectrum, Binghamton, NY: CRIT, 1996, 107-117.
  249. “The Last Hurrah? Democracy and the Wages of War,” in D.C. Sheth & A. Nandy, ed., The Multiverse of Democracy. New Delhi: Sage, 1996, 136-42.
  250. “The Interstate Structure of the Modern World-System,” in S. Smith et al., International Theory: Positivism and Beyond, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996, 87-107. [Tr. Ukr. 1998]
  251. “The ANC and South Africa: Past and Future of Liberation Move¬ments in the World-System,” Economic and Political Weekly, XXXI, No. 39, Sept. 28, 1996, 2695-2699. [Tr. Spanish 1999] [EW]
  252. “The Book that Adam Smith did not Write,” Cahiers d’économie po¬litique, Nos. 27-28, 1996, 145-151.
  253. “Three Ideologies or One? The Pseudo Battle of Modernity,” in S.P. Turner, ed., Social Theory and Sociology: The Classics and Beyond, Cambridge, MA: Blackwell’s, 1996, 53-69.
  254. “La historia de las ciencias sociales,” UNAM: CEEICH, 1997. [Tr. Italian 1998]
  255. “Eurocentrism and its Avatars: The Dilemmas of Social Science,” New Left Review, 226, Nov./Dec., 1997. [Tr. Kor. 1997; Chi. 1998; Ital. 1998; Span. 2000] [EW]
  256. “Integration to What? Marginalization From What?,” Scandinavian Political Studies, XX, 4, 1997, 317-329. [Tr. Ger. 1999] [EW]
  257. “Liberalism and Democracy,” Acta Politica, XXXII, 2, Summer, 1997, 113-127. [Tr. Span. 1998] [EW]
  258. “Social Science and the Communist Interlude, or Interpretations of Contemporary History,” Polish Sociological Review, No. 1, 1997, 3-12. [EW]
  259. “Social Science and the Quest for a Just Society,” American Jour¬nal of Sociology, CII, 5, Mar., 1997, 1241-57. [Tr. Pol. 1997] [EW]
  260. “The Unintended Consequences of Cold War Area Studies,” in N. Chomsky, et al., The Cold War and the University: Toward an Intellectual History of the Postwar Years, New York: New Press, 1997, 2-11. [Tr. Kor. 1998]
  261. (discussion with Jean Baechler), “L’Avenir du capitalisme,” Revue du MAUSS semestrielle, No. 9, premier semestre, 1997, 13-35.
  262. “Dimensione dell’economia di mercato,” Quarderni storici, No. 95, XXII, 2, agosto, 1997, 572-575.
  263. “Le cépalisme et Celso Furtado,” Cahiers du Brésil Contemporain, No. 33/34, 1998, 69-71.
  264. “Contemporary Capitalist Dilemmas, the Social Sciences, and the Geopolitics of the Twenty-first Century,” Canadian Journal of Sociology, XXIII, 2/3, 1998, 141-158. [Tr. Jap. 1997, 1998]
  265. “Possible Rationality: A Reply to Archer,” International Sociol¬ogy, XIII, 1, Mar., 1998, 19-21.
  266. “Time and Duration: The Unexcluded Middle, or Reflections on Braudel and Prigogine,” Thesis Eleven, No. 54, August 1998, 79-87. [Tr. Rus. 1998]
  267. “The Time of Space and Space of Time: The Future of Social Sci¬ence,” Political Geography, XVII, 1, 1998, 71-82. [Tr. Fr. 1998]
  268. “The New World Disorder: If the States Collapse, Can the Nations be United?,” in A.J. Paolini, A.P. Jarvis & C. Reus-Smit, Between Sovereignty and Global Governance: The United Nations, the State and Civil Society, London: Macmillan & New York: St. Martin=s Press, 1998, 171-185.
  269. “Evolution of the Modern World-System,” in G. Preyer, hsgb., Struk¬turelle Evolution und das Weltsystem. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1998, 305-315.
  270. “SpaceTime as the Basis of Knowledge,” in O. Fals Borda, compi¬ler, People=s Participation: Challenges Ahead. Bogota: Col¬ciencias, 1998, 43-62. [Tr. Span. 1998]
  271. “The Rise and Future Demise of World-Systems Analysis,” Review, XXI, 1, 1998, 103-112. [EW]
  272. “Uncertainty and Creativity,” American Behavioral Scientist, XLII, 3, Nov.-Dec. 1998, 320-322. [EW]
  273. “The Imbrication of Political and Economic Structures Within the Capitalist World-Economy,” in S. Cavaciocchi, a cura di, Potere Economici e Potere Politici, Secc. XIII-XVIII. Firen¬ze: Le Monnier, 1999, 701-710.
  274. (with Ravi Arvind Palat), “Of What World-System Was Pre-1500 In¬dia a Part?” in S. Chaudhuri & M. Morineau, eds., Merchants, Companies, and Trade: Europe and Asia in the Early Modern Era. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1999, 21-41.
  275. “Ecology and Capitalist Costs of Production: No Exit,” in W. Goldfrank et al., eds., Ecology and the World-System (West¬port: Greenwood Press, 1999), 3-11. [EW]
  276. “The Heritage of Sociology, the Promise of Social Science,” Cur¬rent Sociology, XLVII, 1, 1999, 1-37. [Tr. Fr. 1998, 1999; Czech (abridged) 1999; Span. 1999] [EW]
  277. “Charles V and the Nascent Capitalist World-Economy,” in H. Soly, ed., Charles V, 1500-1558. Antwerp: Mercatorfonds, 1999, 365-391.
  278. “Frank Proves the European Miracle,” Review, XXII, 3, 1999, 355-371.
  279. “Islam, the West, and the World,” Journal of Islamic Studies, 10, 2, May, 1999, 109-125. [DAP]
  280. “Social Sciences in the Twenty-first century,” in A. Kazancigil & D. Makinson, eds., World Social Sciences Report, 1999. Par¬is: Unesco Publ./Elsevier, 1999, 42-49. [Tr. Fr. 2001]
  281. “States? Sovereignty? The Dilemmas of Capitalists in an Age of Transition,” in David A. Smith, Dorothy J. Solinger and Steven C. Topik, eds., States and Sovereignty in the Global Economy. London: Routledge, 1999, 20-33.
  282. “From Sociology to Historical Social Science: Prospects and Ob¬stacles,” British Journal of Sociology, LI, 1, Jan./Mar., 2000, 25-35.
  283. “Globalization or the Age of Transition?: A Long-Term View of the Trajectory of the World-System,” International Sociology, XV, 2, June, 2000, 249-265. [Transl. Rus. 1999; Ital. 2000; Ger. 2000; Dutch 2000; Greek 2000] [DAP]
  284. “Writing History,” in J. Denolf & B. Simons, eds., (Re)Construct¬ing the Past/Het Verleden als Instrument/Le Passé Composé, Proceedings of a Colloquium on History and Legitimisation, 24-27 February 1999, Brussels, Belgium. Brussel: Carl de Keyzer/Magnum, 2000, 381-393. [Transl. Jap. 2000]
  285. “The Albatross of Racism,” London Review of Books, XXII, 10, May 18, 2000, 11-14. [Slightly abridged] [Transl. Port. 2000; Swed. 2000; Jap. 2000; Kor. 2000] [Addendum: XXII, 12, 22 June 2000, p. 5] [DAP]
  286. “Oliver C. Cox as World-Systems Analyst,” in Herbert M. Hunter, ed., The Sociology of Oliver C. Cox: New Perspectives, Research in Race and Ethnic Relations, Vol. 11. Stamford, CT: JAI Press, 173-183.
  287. “A Left Politics for the 21st Century? or, Theory and Praxis Once Again,” New Political Science, XXII, 2, June, 2000, 143-159. [DAP]
  288. “For Science, Against Scientism: The Dilemmas of Contemporary Knowledge Production,” in P.N. Mukherji, ed., Methodology in Social Research, Dilemmas and Perspectives: Essays in Honour of Ramkrishna Mukherjee. New Delhi: Sage, 2000, 97-92.
  289. “Where Should Sociologists Be Heading?,” Contemporary Sociology, XXIX, 2, 2000, 306-308.
  290. “C’était quoi, le tiers-monde?,” Le Monde diplomatique, 47e an¬née, No. 557, août, 2000, 18-19.
  291. “The End of Certainties in the Social Sciences,” Scienza e Sto¬ria, No. 13, 2000, 17-29.
  292. “Braudel and Interscience: A Preacher to Empty Pews?,” Review, XXIV, 1, 2001, 3-12. [Transl. Turk. 2003]
  293. “Economic History in My Curriculum,” in P. Hudson, ed., Living Economic and Social History. Glasgow: Economic History Soci¬ety, 2001, 420-422.
  294. “The Future of Inequality,” Hagar: International Social Science Review, II, 1, 2001, 19-23.
  295. (with Richard E. Lee), “Structures of Knowledge,” in J.R. Blau, ed., The Blackwell Companion to Sociology. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2001, 227-235.
  296. “Left Politics in an Age of Transition,” Monthly Review, LIII, 8, Jan., 2002, 17-23. [Transl. Ger. 2002; Czech 2002; Span. 2002] [DAP]
  297. “Opening Remarks: Legal Constraints in the Capitalist World-Econ¬omy,” in M. Likosky, ed., Transnational Legal Processes: Glo¬balisation and Power Disparities. London: Butterworths Lexis Nexis, 2002, 61-64.
  298. “The Eagle Has Crash Landed,” Foreign Policy, July-August, 2002, 60-68. [Transl. Fr. 2002; Ger. 2002; Greek 2002; Pol. 2002; Port. 2002; Span. 2002; Turk. 2002] [DAP]
  299. “America and the World: The Twin Towers as Metaphor,” in C. Cal¬houn et al., eds., Understanding September 11. New York: New Press, 2001, 345-360. [Transl. Bulg. 2002; Fr. 2002; Ger. 2002; Kor. 2002; Port. 2002] [DAP]
  300. “The Itinerary of World-Systems Analysis; or, How to Resist Be¬com¬ing a Theory,” in J. Berger & M. Zelditch, Jr., eds., New Directions in Contemporary Sociological Theory. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002, 358-376.
  301. “Democracy, Capitalism, and Transformation,” in O. Enwezor, et al., eds., Democracy Unrealized: Documenta 11_Platform 1. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 2002, 96-110. [Transl. Ger. 2002; Rus. 2002] [DAP]
  302. “The Twentieth Century: Darkness at Noon?,” in R. Grosfoguel & A.M. Cervantes-Rodriguez, es., The Modern/Colonial/Capita¬list World-System in the Twentieth Century. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002, xxxi-xl. [DAP]
  303. “Three Hegemonies,” in P.K. O’Brien & A. Clesse, eds., Two Hege¬monies: Britain 1846-1914 and the United States 1941-2001. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002, 357-361.
  304. “New Revolts Against the System,” New Left Review, 2nd ser., No. 18, Nov./Dec., 2002, 11-29. [Transl. Chi. 2003] [DAP]
  305. “The World We Are Entering, 2000-2050 (32 Propositions),” in I. Wallerstein & A. Clesse, eds., The World We Are Entering. Amsterdam: Dutch University Press, 2002, 9-22.
  306. The Others: Who Are We? Who Are the Others?” in Decline of Amer¬ican Power: The U.S. in a Chaotic World [DAP]. New York: New Press, 2003.
  307. “Intellectuals in an Age of Transition,” in W. Dunaway, ed., Emer¬ging Issues in the Twenty-first Century World-System, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2003. [DAP]
  308. “Anthropology, Sociology, and Other Dubious Disciplines,” Current Anthropology, XLIV, 4, Aug.-Oct. 2003, 453-460.
  309. “Citizens All? Citizens Some! The Making of the Citizen,” Comparative Studies in Society and History, XLV, 4, Oct. 2003, 650-679.
  310. “Soft Multilateralism: You Can’t Go Home Again,” The Nation, Feb. 2, 2004, 14-20. [Trans. Spanish 2004].
  311. “The United States in Decline?,” in T.E. Reifer, ed., Globaliza¬tion, Hegemony & Power: Antisystemic Movements and the Global System. Boulder: Paradigm, 2004, 19-34.
  312. “After Developmentalism and Globalization, What?” Social Forces, LXXXIII, 3, Mar. 2005, 1263-1278.
  313. “The Decline of U.S. Power,” Contexts, IV, 2, Spr. 2005, 125-126.
  314. “The Discovery of the World-Economy,” Review, XXVIIII, 4, 2005, 351-364.
  315. “Render unto Caesar? The Dilemmas of a Multicultural World, Sociology of Religion, LXVI, 2, Summer 2005, 121-133.
  316. “The World the Social Scientists Have Constructed,” in O. Lentini, a cura di, Pensare il Mondo, Milano: Franco Angeli, 2005, 23-31.
  317. “Latin@s: What’s in a Name?” in R. Grosfoguel et al., Latin@s in the World-System: Decolonization Struggles in the Twenty-first Century U.S. Empire, Boulder, CO: Paradigm Press, 2005, 31-39
  318. “Liberalism,” in W.H. McNeill et al., Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History, III, Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publ. Company, 2005, 1133-1136.
  319. “Aimé Césaire: colonialismo, comunismo, negritud,” in Aimé Césaire, Discurso sobre el colonialismo, Madrid: Ed. Akal, 2006, 7-12.
  320. “The Struggle for Black Rights in the United States,” New Pol¬i¬tics, Summer 2006, 175-177.
  321. “Who is Radical Sociology? What is She?” Contemporary Sociology, XXXV, 2, Mar. 2006, 109-111.
  322. “The Culture of Sociology in Disarray: The Impact of 1968 on U.S. Sociologists,” in C. Calhoun, ed., Sociology in Ameri¬ca: A History, Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 2007, 427-437.
  323. “The Ecology and the Economy: What is Rational?” in A. Horn¬berg, J.R. McNeill & J. Martinez-Alier, eds., Rethinking En¬vironmental History: World-System History and Global Envi¬ron¬mental Change, Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press, 2007, 379-389.
  324. “Naming Groups: The Politics of Categorizing and Identities,” Review, XXX, 1, 2007, 1-15:
  325. “Northeast Asia and the World-System,” The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, XIX, 3, Fall 2007, 7-25.
  326. “Precipitate Decline: The Advent of Multipolarity,” Harvard International Review, Spring 2007, 54-59. [Transl. Spanish 2007].
  327. “The Sociologist and the Public Sphere,” in D. Clawson et al., Public Sociology: Fifteen Eminent Sociologists Debate Politics and the Profession in the Twenty-frst Century, Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 2007, 169-175.
  328. (w/Faruk Tabak), “The Ottoman Empire, the Mediterranean, and the European World-Ecoonomy,” in K. Cicek, ed., The Great Ottoman Turkish Civilization, Vol. II, Ankara: Yeni Turkiye, 2000.